Kashmir: a terrorist who became a decorated weapons man dies while fighting for the nation | India News


SRINAGAR: Lance Naik Nazir Ahmed Wani, the soldier killed during an anti-terrorist operation in the Shopian district in which six terrorists were killed, was formerly an ikhwan (a terrorist who surrenders and participates in operations counter-insurgency before joining the army.

He was a highly decorated soldier and received the Sena medal for his gallantry in August 2007 and a Sena medal bar in August of this year. He belonged to the village of Cheki Ashmuji, in Kulgam Tehsil district, in Kulgam district, in the south of Kashmir, infested by terror. Wani is survived by his wife and two children, said a spokesman for the army.

Lance Naik, who began his career with the 162nd Battalion of the Territorial Army in 2004, received a 21-gun salute on Monday as his body descended into the grave, PTI reported. Previously, the body wrapped in the tricolor flag had been transported to his native village and handed over to the family.

General Bipin Rawat #COAS & all ranks pay tribute to Lance Naik's supreme sacrifice Nazir Ahmad Wani, SM * and sincerely offer … 1543221151000

The village is surrounded by areas like Koinmooh, renowned for their terrorist activities.

In this hour of sorrow, the army stands in solidarity with the bereaved martyr's family and remains committed to his dignity and well-being, the army spokesman said.

Initially, Wani was a terrorist and became a counter-insurgent after realizing the uselessness of the violence, said a senior officer of the army. "The family was fighting tears and was honored by Lance Naik Wani's sacrifice for the nation," said the officer.

Wani (38) was shot and wounded during an anti-terrorist operation in the village of Batagund, Shopian, on Sunday. He immediately received first aid and was evacuated to a hospital, but he succumbed to his injuries later, said an army spokesman. His battalion was attached to a unit of Rashtriya Rifles.

(With the participation of the agencies)

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