Kavanaugh has the most – character


  •   Justice Brett Kavanaugh meets with Senator Lindsey Graham on July 11 on Capitol Hill. The Supreme Court candidate has said that all the good things in the White House after his appointment has been announced. Photo: Olivier Douliery / TNS / Abaca Press

Photo: Olivier Douliery / TNS

Justice Brett Kavanaugh meets with Senator Lindsey Graham on July 11 on Capitol Hill. The Supreme Court candidate has declared all the good things to the White House after his appointment was announced.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh meets with Senator Lindsey Graham on July 11 at the Capitol. The Supreme Court candidate has declared all the good things to the White House after the announcement of his appointment.

Photo: Olivier Douliery / TNS

Kavanaugh Has the Most – Character

Judging Supreme Court candidates is tricky. Whether the badessment takes place formally by the legislators of the Senate Judiciary Committee, or unofficially by Americans every day at water coolers across the country, there are many unknowns.

Candidates are usually cautious they could decide problems that might come before the high court. They would probably never make promises about how they could decide on a case; but, even if they did, they could always break that promise once on the ground. All the opinions they have expressed in the past could be changed – at the hearing or in the years to come. And if they are confirmed and sitting on the Supreme Court, they could move from the Liberal to the Conservative or vice versa faster than you can say "lifetime appointment".

In reality, we do not know what will happen if a person is confirmed. It's a bet anyway

So when I evaluate Supreme Court candidates, I have my own test. And it's based on one thing: the character. That's what I'm looking for, and – in this process, as in life – it's the only thing that matters.

Judging by his remarks at the White House when his appointment was announced, federal judge Brett Kavanaugh has buckets of character. It radiates it

From where did the 53-year-old get all that character? Maybe it came from his religion and his Catholic education; The former altarmaster was trained by Jesuits and now volunteers serving meals to the homeless through Catholic charities.

Perhaps this was due to Kavanaugh's hard work and dedication to the Georgetown Preparatory School. Yale Law School.

It was perhaps to teach young law students at Harvard, Yale and Georgetown. It is generally considered, according to press reports, as one of the most popular members of the faculty, someone who is accessible and helpful to students.

Maybe he's coming from a public service career – as a lawyer working with an independent lawyer Kenneth Starr in the 1990s, a lawyer pleading for George W. Bush at the Florida recount in 2000 , later secretary of staff at the Bush White House, and more recently as a judge at the District Court of Columbia.

I suppose Kavanaugh has inherited most of his character from his parents, who seem to have worked hard in their own lives to fulfill their dreams and seem to have taught him well. An only child, Kavanaugh loves, respects, idolizes even his parents – especially his mother, who herself went from high school to prosecutor to judge

but beside the question of where does the character come from from Kavanaugh, how do we know that he has it?

It's easy. Look at how he talked about his family – not just his parents but also the people who know him best because they live with him, his wife, and his daughters. Given all his achievements and accolades, he obviously considers that it is the great privilege of his life to be the husband of Ashley and the father of Elizabeth and Margaret

. What should Americans look for in a Supreme Court candidate? . We are conditioned to venerate "the great" – those who have gone to renowned schools, have done great things, have great references, have accumulated great achievements.

Still, we have that backwards. We must look for "the little ones" – individuals who have the prospect of considering their family, their country and their God and consider themselves small in comparison.

Along with the Supreme Court judges, we also want people who have the added quality of seeing themselves as little by the side of the United States Constitution.

We will learn more about this particular candidate in the coming days. Liberals and Democrats are on the attack and looking for loopholes. It's just politics. They would oppose anyone appointed by President Trump.

But for the moment, the evidence suggests that Brett Kavanaugh has a lot of character. And it's a good place to start.

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