Kerem Shalom to reopen partially Tuesday noon


Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman announced that the Kerem Shalom border crossing would be partially reopened at noon on Tuesday, following the decrease of inflammatory balloons carried by Hamas from the Gaza Strip to Israel.

While gas and fuel will be allowed in the Gaza Strip in addition to food and medicine, some restrictions remain in the pbadage: no other goods, including building materials, will be allowed and there will be will also have an export ban. of goods from Gaza.

The move is the result of the last ceasefire
agreement between Israel and terrorist organizations in Gaza.

   (Photo: Reuters)

(Photo: Reuters)

Shortly before the announcement of Lieberman, the IDF attacked a squad of incendiary balloons in northern Gaza. No injuries have been reported.

The crossing was closed eight days ago due to escalation at the southern border and the continuation of the criminal terror caused by incendiary balloons being carried to Israel.

According to a statement by the Ministry of Defense, the decision was made in light not only of the fall of incendiary balloons from the Strip but also of a decline in violent activities organized by Hamas along the fence border.

The statement noted that the number of kites and balloons carrying incendiary bombs in Israeli territory had been reduced but not totally eliminated.

He said that the crossing could soon return to full activity "conditioned by the complete cessation of balloon launches and friction on the fence."

Fireballs sparked hundreds of fires

Palestinians in Gaza regard kites and balloons as legitimate resistance to Israel's more than ten-year blockade.

The partial reopening follows urgent warnings that emergency fuel supplies are low in the Gaza Strip and that the shortage is beginning to affect hospitals and sanitation in the Gaza Strip. ;water.

The coastal enclave suffers from a severe lack of electricity and uses generators at hours at a time.

On Monday, Lieberman made an badessment of the situation at the Kerem Shalom crossing, indicating that Saturday was the calmest day on the southern border since March 30. He stressed that Hamas was responsible for the escalation. only in the event of a complete cessation of criminal terror and violent incidents along the fence.

"Zero friction on the fence, zero rockets and zero incendiary balloons", exclaimed the Minister of Defense.

"We have completed our badessment regarding the transfer of goods by Kerem Shalom The people of Gaza must understand that as long as there are incendiary balloons and fires, things will not return to normal for them. .. the key is calm, calm, zero rockets or, God warn me, shots, "Lieberman concluded.

AFP contributed to this report.

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