Kevin Smith Denies That He's Running a Marvel / Star Wars Movie


  • – June 28, 2018
  • in Movie News

Clerks Director and comedian Kevin Smith has shut down recent rumors that he's put on stage a film Marvel or Star Wars for Disney. It was a tough week for Smith, whose comic book Comic Book Men was canceled by AMC after seven seasons and 96 episodes, but unfortunately for the director's fans, he did not move to the direction of the mega blockbusters.

The rumors of Smith making a Marvel or Star Wars movie come from FandomWire, who reported a few days ago that Smith had met Disney for a potential project. The original rumor did not claim with certainty that the project was Marvel / Star Wars; rather, he said that "it is very possible that Smith will take on a Marvel or Star Wars project," but warned that "it's all speculation at this point."

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Although it is still possible that Smith met with Disney for a secret project, this project was certainly not a Star Wars movie or a Marvel movie. A fan contacted Smith on Twitter to ask him if he was really ready to work on one of the two biggest Disney franchises, and Smith replied that it was "Easy to deny":

was not entirely improbable that Smith would be called to direct a cartoon movie, since he already made several episodes of CW series ] Supergirl and The Flash . On the movie side, however, Smith is mostly geared towards R-rated comedies and, more recently, horror-comedy films unquestionably Tusk and Yoga Hosers . During a recent episode of his podcast Fatman on Batman Smith revealed that he had found funds for the last film of his True North trilogy, Moose Jaws which is described as " Jaws with a moose." Although it's amusing to think that Disney decided to invest in Moose Jaws this was probably not the about Smith's meeting with the studio – if that happened.

that Smith's meeting was about a Marvel or Star Wars film, his refusal of this aspect does not rule out the possibility that the rumor is accurate. However, given the kind of movies that Smith does, it's hard to imagine what kind of secret Disney project he would want him to direct. Until we hear about it from official sources, we are going around the rumor by simply producing bad information, as is often the case

More: Every Future Marvel Movie (2018 – 2020)

Source: Kevin Smith

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