Khashoggi's sons ask the Saudis to return his body so that "the family can mourn"


The son of the murdered journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, asked the Saudi authorities to return the body of their father so that the family can recover from their grief, they told CNN in an interview broadcast Sunday.

A team sent from Riyadh on October 2, a murder according to the Turkish president would have been ordered to the "highest levels" of the Saudi government.

"I really hope that what happened did not cause him pain, or was quick, or he had a peaceful death," Abdullah Khashoggi told the US network at An interview in Washington.

His brother Salah said, "All we want now is to bury him in Al Baqi, in Medina, with the rest of his family". reference to a cemetery in Saudi Arabia.

"I talked to the Saudi authorities about it and I just hope it will happen soon." The Turkish Attorney General recently stated that Khashoggi was strangled as soon as he entered the consulate and also confirmed the dismemberment of the body.

Yasin Aktay, Advisor to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, hinted in an article published on Friday that the body could

Khashoggi's murder provoked a public outcry and strong criticism from Washington, generally more ardent allies.

Khashoggi's sons expressed concern over the work of their father, a Washington Post columnist. to be distorted for political reasons.

"I see a lot of people coming

right now and trying to claim his legacy and unfortunately, some of them are using it in a political way with which we are absolutely not agree, "Salah told CNN. "My fear is that it is excessive politicization."

"Jamal has never been a dissident, he believed in the monarchy, which is what keeps the country united." The brothers said that they mainly relied on reports to understand their father's death.

"There are a lot of ups and downs … we are trying to get the story – fragments of history to complete the picture," Abdullah said. "It's confusing and difficult." "It's not a normal situation nor a normal death." Salah stressed that "the king has emphasized that everyone will be brought to justice.

And I have faith in that." The fiancee of the murdered journalist, meanwhile, called on US President Donald Trump to support Turkey's efforts to investigate death.

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