In a cheeky play on the lyrics, the UP police tweeted Monday, "Dear parents, whether Kiki loves your child or not, we're sure you do it! So, please, support your children in all the challenges of life except #kikichallenge.
The Chandigarh Traffic Police, in badociation with Radio Mirchi, also issued a Circulation Notice on the challenge. The Mumbai police also did it last week. "Cease public nuisance or cope with the music!," He tweeted. The cops in Spain, the United States, Malaysia and the UAE also alerted people to the dangers of the challenge. Kiki do you like, it's the chorus of a wildly popular number, "In my feelings". The song is written by Drake, a 31-year-old musician born in Toronto.
In Punjab, the clip was widely broadcast on WhatsApp. Local versions of the challenge have been uploaded to sites like Instagram with hashtags such as #punjabikiki, #shiggychallenge, #bhangra, #bds, #desikiki #kikidoyouloveme #dotheshiggy and #drake. In some videos, young people can be seen shaking a leg to punjabi versions.
Dr. Damanjit Sandhu, president of the Indian Association of Mental Health Counselors, based in Patiala, said that teens are vulnerable to such challenges online. "The raging hormones drive them to sensory-seeking activities such as midnight car racing, offroads, rainfalls," she said.
The #kikichallenge craze began on June 30 when comedian Shiggy posted a video on Instagram where he dances on the song in a busy stretch. Later, Shiggy's friend, Odell Beckham Jr., is also recorded dancing in front of his car. Now, there are hundreds of these videos. Some of them show people crushing on poles and stumbling on potholes. In a clip, the handbag of a woman is stolen while attempting the challenge.
In India, Bollywood and television actors such as Nora Fatehi, Adah Sharma and Priyank Sharma filmed themselves dancing on Drake's song on the outside of a moving car. Some videos are funny too.
In one of them, a young man starts to turn to music when a stranger, looking for direction, interrupts it. There are also videos of cows and dogs dancing to the rhythm.
Statistics from the World Health Organization show that more than 3,000 adolescents die every day in road crashes, accounting for 1.2 million deaths a year worldwide.
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