Govinda and his wife Sunita Ahuja recently broke ties with his nephew Krushna Abhishek and his wife Kashmera Shah, claiming that their family dynamics could never change. Now, during the promotion of his new film Teri Bhabhi Hai Pagle Krushna was questioned about his deteriorated relationship with his aunt and uncle and the comedian told SpotboyE that he wants to patch things up but he was not able to "procure Govinda again." Krushna Abhishek also added that he acknowledges that his wife Kashmera was at fault and that she should apologize to Sunita Ahuja. "What Kashmera wrote on Twitter (the tweet now seems to be deleted) angered Sunita mami but the fact is that Kashmera wrote it for my sister, not mami … She could be Kashmera in fault here and she should apologize to mami because mami took care of the whole family, "he said. declared. [19659003WhenandreleasedmustfreehousingwithGovindaandSunitaAhujaKrushnaditĂ SpotboyE:"JenalsomanagedtocatchhimwenttoLondonaftertheincidentandhewasengagedinaturnaroundoftheMiddleEastPbadimon mami gives 5-6 gaali s, c & 39; is her right to do it … I understand that she might feel more hurt. "
But Krushna hopes that this family quarrel will be resolved.He told SpotboyE:" Mom can slap me twice or misuse me, I'm fine, whatever that is. he says, I'm going to listen quietly and I think things will be settled after that. "
Govinda and Sunita Ahuja also skipped the first birthday of Krushna and Kashmera in June Sunita Ahuja told the Times of India earlier that They were not even invited to the event. "I have not seen her children until now because of the misbehavior of their parents, we broke up all the links with Krushna and Kashmera, and I swear I will not initiate a roundup this time, years ago, Govinda was right: it was my mistake to think we had to give them another luck, "she said.
Krushna's book Teri Bhabhi Hai Pagle will be out later this month while Govinda looks forward to the release of FryDay in August.
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