Latest News: CNN pursues Trump and White House collaborators


CNN President Jeff Zucker sent a note this morning explaining the network's complaint.

"The First Amendment gives all journalists the right to hold those in power to account and to ask difficult questions – that's what Jim, and all his colleagues, who cover the White House and the administration, do it with integrity and professionalism.As we have already said, we will always defend our rights.That's why we filed a lawsuit, "wrote Zucker.

Here is the full note:

This morning, CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration in Washington District Court. The White House violated CNN's free press rights and the fifth amendment and Jim Acosta's due process. We demand the immediate return of the proof of identity of the White House of Jim.

As you know, Jim's evidence was revoked last Wednesday and the Secret Service denied him entry to the White House website when he arrived for a real shot. 19659005] The action of the White House comes after the questioning of the president by Jim at his press conference after polling day. Their badertion that it was because of Jim's interaction with a press officer was patently false, and press officer, Sarah Sanders, published a video that was distorted to give an inaccurate impression of what happened.

This is not a measure we have taken lightly. But the action of the White House is unprecedented.

The First Amendment grants all journalists the right to hold those in power to account and to ask difficult questions. That's what Jim and all his colleagues who cover the White House and the administration do with integrity and professionalism. As we have said before, we will always defend our rights. That's why we brought a lawsuit.

I will keep you informed of the progress of the file. Below you will find the statement we issued together with the filing of the complaint, as well as a quote from one of our leading solicitors, Ted Olson, Solicitor General of the United States under the President George W. Bush.


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