Latest news: Honduran migrant says he wants to go home


TECUN UMAN, Guatemala – Latest news from a caravan of Central American migrants hoping to reach the United States (local time):


Migrant Gonzalo Martinez has stated that he voluntarily returned to Honduras a bridge connecting Guatemala and Mexico because he was disappointed by the concern of the members of the caravan and that he simply wished to return home.

"We thought the caravan was pbadive, but there were unruly people, I was disappointed," said the president. An old farmer while he was boarding a bus to Tecun Uman, Guatemala, to bring him back to Honduras.

Martinez was referring to clashes with the police when migrants forcibly broke through a barrier at the Guatemalan border and then tried to enter Mexico. to be avoided by the Mexican police.

He stated that he was trying to emigrate from the Lempira province to the United States because of the violence in Honduras.

"They killed relatives; they shot my father and they also tried to kill me, "he said, adding that the $ 4 of daily wages he earned was not enough to feed his family of seven.

Martinez was one of more than 500 Honduran migrants who had volunteered. back to their country.


5:30 pm

About 2,000 Central American migrants crossing a river in Guatemala City, Mexico voted by show of hands to reform their caravan and continue their journey north. .

The migrants in question crossed the river without signing up, unlike other people treated by Mexican immigration officers on a border bridge.

Rodrigo Abeja is one of the leaders of the caravan. He says that tomorrow morning they will go to the city of Tapachula.

In his words: "We do not know yet whether we are going to the border (US), but we will continue to go that far. as we can.

Migrants gathered in a park on the Mexican side of the river shout "Let's all go together!" And "Yes, we can!

Some of them walk on the bridge to urge those who are still there to join them.



The National Human Rights Commission of the Government of Mexico stated that it was working to secure the rights of migrants in a caravan of mbad blocked at the southern border of Guatemala.

The commission states in a statement that its agents provide bottled water and medical care for minor injuries caused by falls, fights, tear gas and anxiety since migrants were blocked by police Friday.

He says that he has looked after nine children; 18 women, two pregnant; six men; police officers injured during the clashes; and a reporter from Quadratin Noticias who was also injured.

Commission staff provide legal advice to migrants, including on asylum procedures.

Nevertheless, it is stated that there is no confirmation regarding the migratory status of persons who were taken to a temporary shelter. The Committee urges the authorities to provide that.



From here Saturday afternoon, the border bridge between Guatemala and Mexico, where thousands of migrants spent the night after being blocked by the Mexican police, has increased considerably

Many people have chosen to cross the Suchiate River on Mexican soil by strolling, swimming or using rafts driven by local residents at a cost of about $ 1.25. Others asked for asylum and were allowed to go through small groups.

Many of those who stay on the bridge are women, children and the elderly. As children walk and play, adults sit on sidewalks and ask, "Next?"

There are many mounds of garbage and clothing to wear.

Carlos Martinez is a 24 year old man from Santa Barbara. Honduras. Residents of the Guatemalan side brought food to the migrants and his plate of chicken with rice was the first bite of his day.

million. Martinez called the given food a "blessing," which gives him the courage to "keep waiting, as long as I can." "

Another group prayed to God to allow him to enter Mexican territory.


1:15 pm

Mexican authorities authorized a second group of about 45 migrants to be treated at the border with Guatemala.

They also began granting visitor permits for 45 days, which in theory could give them time to reach the US border. Other migrants apply for refugee status in Mexico

Once they are processed, they are transported by bus to an open-air metal fairground located in the city of Tapachula. Red Cross installs small blue tents on concrete floor

At least three women fainted at the treatment center just beyond the doors, the bridge is congested and, whenever a small side door opens for To welcome migrants, there is a desperate crash of bodies advancing in the heat.

People at the door claim, "Please, let us in, we want to work. "

Under the bridge, a raft loaded with a dozen migrants crossed the Mexican border. About a dozen other migrants swam. None have apparently been arrested despite the presence of hundreds of police along the bridge.



In a mbad caravan on the Mexican border with Guatemala, many Centraelians seem ready to make any request. refugee status in Mexico, although most had initially intended to reach the United States.

Scarleth Cruz, 20, states that she is going to apply for political asylum in Mexico because of the threats and repression she suffered at her home in Honduras. from the ruling party of President Juan Orlando Hernandez.

She also said, "Why would I want to go to the United States if I'm going to be persecuted?"

Hondurans also cited poverty and gangs. threats to justify their membership in the mbad caravan.

Hector Aguilar is a 49-year-old sales manager who worked as a taxi driver in Yoro Province to feed his four children. Aguilar says that he had to pay protection money to the two main gangs to be able to work. On Thursday, he gave the equivalent of $ 12.50 to the 18th Street gang and on Saturday the same amount to MS-13. This is a significant sum in Honduras where wages are low.

On Saturday, Mexican agents unlocked a small gate and let a group of about 40 migrants pbad for treatment.

Under heat and crushing bodies, a woman fainted and fainted. was transported to the Mexican side in the arms of the rescuers.



The Mexican authorities refuse to comply with the requirements of a caravan of Central American migrants authorizing them to enter the country en mbade from a border bridge with Guatemala where they camped at night.

Officials announced that they would distribute the numbers to those waiting to cross and allow them to enter in small groups.

This is a strategy similar to that observed in the United States. border cities when they were overwhelmed by large numbers of migrants.

Those on deck watched with desperation on Saturday as workers began erecting high steel riot barriers.

Twenty-year-old Scarleth Cruz raised a crying woman. baby baby above the crowd. She cried out, "This girl is suffocating."

Some tore up a fence on the Guatemalan side of the bridge and threw two young children, perhaps six or seven years old , and their mother in the river Suchiate about six meters deep. They were safely taken on a raft bound for Mexican territory.



The organizers of a caravan of migrants trying to cross Mexico and the United States seem to want to avoid a repeat of the race. the border with Guatemala ended when Mexican security forces repulsed them with riot shields and pepper spray.

Women and children headed to the front of the caravan on Saturday while the men were at the back.

also fell about 9 meters (30 feet) from the gate separating them from the Mexican police to establish a buffer zone. They had forced the door Friday, but the police almost repelled them.

There are still about 1,000 migrants on the bridge linking Guatemala and Mexico.

Selvin Flores, a merchant from the city of Honduras, 35 years old. According to Nacaome, people who "caused trouble" were expelled from the group and handed over to the Guatemalan police. He says the remaining migrants "do not want misunderstandings."

Flores has three children and says that he sometimes skips meals to make sure they're eating.

He said that he wanted to reach the United States to work and save money before coming back. in Honduras. He says it is painful for him to leave his country, but he did it "out of necessity".


at 7:30 am

Thousands of Central American migrants participating in a caravan bound for the United States woke up on a bridge that separates the borders of Guatemala and Mexico.

Migrants have neither water supply nor food and have slept in garbage that has accumulated in the process. Without bathroom, a nauseating smell in the air.

José Yanez woke up at 5 am and said that he had back pain.

This 25-year-old farmer had no blanket to protect himself from the cold, but he was doomed to. continue.

"From there, we continue. From here on, there is no turning back, "he said.

He states that he makes 150 lempiras a day, or about 6 dollars a day. United States, and enjoys no labor benefits.

On the Mexican side of the border, a group of about 30 migrants sang the Honduran national anthem. [19659076] Copyright 2018 The Associated Press All rights reserved, This document can not be published, distributed, rewritten, or redistributed.

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