Lena Headey, from Game of Thrones, tells Troll to "go for it" for free video


The peasants must know now not to kiss with Queen Lena Headey Game of Thrones . from Ned Stark.

Well, a cruel troll learned this lesson this week after Headey posted a video without makeup on Instagram to promote the release of his new film Fighting with My Family that eliminates critics with rave reviews.

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One person thought it was a good idea to ask that she not record any other video "without makeup". It 's never nice nor respectful to treat anyone, and this troll has learned to listen to him very publicly.

Lena shared her message with the world, accompanied by a personal message: "I will continue not to wear makeup. Go!" * k yourself (sic). "Yesss!

Honestly, this troll was pretty well shot in. Fortunately, she did not send The Mountain around, nor the same tortuous execution as that of her cat well. Beloved, Ser Pounce.

On a more positive note, Lena nevertheless had the opportunity to discuss the eighth and final season of Game of Throne when promoting Fighting with my family in the United States earlier this week … in the world of Westeros after dedicating a decade of his life to the show.

  Game of Thrones season 8: Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) "title =" Game of Thrones season 8: Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) "clbad =" lazy picture lazyload "data-src =" https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/game-of-thrones -9-1549483531.jpg? Crop = 1xw: 1xh; center, top & resize = 480: * "/> </picture></div>
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" This is the f It's the eighth season, it's crazy, "she said." I feel totally shocked – should I translate that [for Americans]?

"It just means that I'm really happy – I've been part of this kind of thing for so long, I think everyone is ready to do new things, but I think that as long as it's not I will not know how I feel. "

Game of Thrones Season 8 will debut on April 14, 2019. The show airs on HBO in the United States and Sky Atlantic and NOW TV in the United Kingdom. Season 7 is now available on DVD on Blu-ray or Digital Download .

Fighting with My Family opens in the United Kingdom on February 27 and is now playing in the United States.

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