Lion Air Jet: Search Teams Retrieve Seats and Wheels at the Indonesian Accident Site


JAKARTA: Authorities badyzed black box data that could explain why the new plane crashed into the Java Sea, resulting in the loss of 189 people.

Research teams searched the seabed in search of the Boeing-737 MAX 8 fuselage, which plunged into waters off the north coast of Indonesia shortly after takeoff on Monday, while It was only in use for a few months.

"Today, we will begin to dive (again) to where we think the plane crashed," said Isswarto, commander of the division Search and Rescue of the Indonesian Navy.

"There are a lot of small debris, airplane wheels and seats – all totally destroyed and in pieces."

Divers searched an area of ​​about 25 to 35 meters deep, but found fewer body parts than at the beginning of the week, he added.

"They are scattered everywhere and some may have been swept away by the current."

Dozens of body bags containing human remains were found at the scene of the accident.

Television footage showed divers attaching ropes to twisted plane pieces scattered along the seabed.

On Thursday, the authorities claimed to have recovered one of the black boxes from the plane, which airlines are required to install in jets, as well as parts of his train of 39; landing.

The black box could offer investigators the best chance of knowing why such a jet plane crashed. The devices help explain nearly 90% of accidents, according to aviation experts.

The devices record information on the speed, altitude and direction of the aircraft, as well as flight crew conversations.

The Boeing monohull aircraft, en route from Jakarta to Pangkal Pinang City, is one of the world's newest and most advanced commercial pbadenger transport aircraft.

Boeing and representatives of the US National Transportation Safety Board joined the Indonesian team to examine twisted metal airplane parts and piles of ripped clothes, shoes, wallets and phones from pbadengers.

The remains of the pbadengers are sent to the hospital for DNA identification. The first funerals of one of the pbadengers take place on Thursday.

But many more casualties have yet to be recovered and it is hoped to recover more from most of the wreckage, including those that may still be attached to their siege.

Lion Air's confession that the jet posed a technical problem during a previous flight – as well as its sudden and fatal dive – raised questions about the possible existence of mechanical failures such as the A malfunction of the system of speed and altitude.

The accident has resurfaced concerns about the poor record of aviation safety in Indonesia, which until recently banned its airlines from entering the airspace of the country. European Union and the United States.

According to the aviation safety network, Indonesia has had nearly 40 fatal aircraft accidents in the last 15 years.

Lion Air, Indonesia's largest low cost carrier, was involved in several incidents, including a fatal accident in 2004.

In 2014, an AirAsia aircraft crash in the Java Sea in stormy weather killed 162 people.

The worst disaster in the history of Indonesian aviation caused 234 deaths in 1997 when an Airbus A-300B4 operated by the national carrier Garuda Indonesia crashed into a ravine smog wrapped in North Sumatra, right next to the airport.

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