Los Angeles freeway signs climber dances, taunts, then flips


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LOS ANGELES (AP) – A man wearing boxer shorts and sneakers scolded Wednesday in downtown Los Angeles as he climbed a highway, posted posters, danced and apparently made fun of his alleged rescuers.

Reporters and pbaders-by filmed the man's antics as he climbed onto the highway sign, avoiding firefighters wearing harnesses and police officers trying to knock him down.

The man, who identified himself as "Dephree", did various dances and superhero poses as traffic continued for miles on the road heading south. He hung signs that read "Dephree", "Fight pollution, not each other" and "Give a hoot, do not pollute".

The southbound lanes of the highway were closed as firefighters placed large airbags under the man and extended ladders to him. Traffic noise has spread over highways and surface streets, and workers from nearby buildings have stopped to watch events unfold.

Cars pbading from the other side of the highway sometimes honked on the man and even shouted at the police: "Kill him!"

The clash ended when the man finally made a flip back from the highway sign down to an inflatable below. He was unhurt and quickly arrested.

Dephree has just done a backflip of the sign. pic.twitter.com/d5qh6qybQ6

– Benjamin Oreskes? (@boreskes) June 27, 2018

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