Lucifer's Ellis on Netflix, Nudity and Betrayals in Season 4


It is almost impossible to banish the devil. Fox tried, canceling the supernatural Lucifer procedure after three seasons, but a campaign led by #SaveLucifer fans prompted Netflix to give the devil a chance, reviving the series for a fourth season in 10 episodes.

Lucifer who tells the story of the main character occupying the position of LAPD consultant on Earth, will continue with the beginning of season 4 on May 8. The action resumes a month after Detective Chloe Decker saw the true form of Lucifer, his devil face. After being mysteriously absent, Chloe returns during a case. Despite appearances, the detective has something wrong … and that could condemn Lucifer.

Tom Ellis, leader of Lucifer spoke with SYFY WIRE about changing networks, nudity, the relationship between Lucifer and Chloe, as well as the coming of Eve.

This was a roller coaster ride between Lucifer's cancellation the support of fans and Netflix resurrecting the show. Have you always thought that the series would find a new home?

I think I have believed from the moment Warner Brothers called me to tell me that they were looking for a new home. It was a few days after the start of the #SaveLucifer campaign. I really felt like I was not being canceled as soon as we were canceled, but as soon as the fans discovered it and started making noise, which was amazing, it was a good thing. that is when I started going there. "Wait a minute". When I realized that conversations were really going on, I thought: "I think we have hope here." The fact that people continue – and I always encourage people to continue – because they were heard, that's all I knew at that time. But I thought it would happen and then it happened.

If it was not the case, what means to end a series. Chloe finally has a clear view of Lucifer's devil's face. When you received this script, what did you think of this development? Did you feel won?

I really think we deserved it at that time. The pretense of not knowing or not believing, and that Lucifer is very open about it, is amusing. But as our characters get closer, you have to wonder how long you can keep that. It was really won. It was great that it happened like that because I think that was one of the reasons why the fans were saying, "What, you can not stop there." He also had this desired reaction. As a result of this, we had a different dynamic in the show, but not at the expense of the show in any way.

This hot season 4 promotional spot of getting you out of the pool caused a lot of noise. It looks like you are in the best shape of your life. Have you prepared just for that? Or, how is it indicative of the direction that the series is heading this year?

It's weird. Between season 3 and season 4, while I was waiting to find out what was happening with the show, I was working vaguely. I had a coach with whom I had been working for a while. He said, "Look, if you play Season 4, I want you to take a higher level and put yourself in the shape of men's health." I was like "OK". I knew how difficult it was and how much time and effort it took. I have avoided it for the past two years. I said yes to the fact. Of course, when we were canceled, I thought, "At least I do not have to do it."

Then I think the first call I received after the announcement of the support on Netflix was my coach, OK, are you ready? "So he's got us some so had it three months before I started running again, where I had time to do it.We've been there.I've changed my lifestyle a bit.It's funny because it coincided with the Netflix pickup, everyone now calls it "the Netflix body." It's not Netflix that encouraged me to do it, I just brought it to Netflix. A little more flesh this season because our borders are a little less strict with respect to what we can do … Everything is related.

You have certainly explained everything in the episode of the nudist colony

Yes indeed, we just thought, "Why not? Let's just do it all over there. "We paid attention, and what became evident when the series was canceled and the fans really spoke, is how much our fan base was wide and how much it attracted children, teenagers, grandparents, mothers, fathers, boyfriends and girlfriends, there is something for everyone here because I think we are never We have not been able to go too far with Fox in terms of vulgarity and violence, even though we have new limits, we wanted to be aware of that and not change our series because we could suddenly make very graphic things or say swearing all the time

All I would say is that we pushed him in some areas we could have done before.We continue to keep the jokes of the show, because I think that's what I think people really liked it. It was suggestive and cheeky. This was not vulgar. It's still at the heart of the series.

The return of the series takes a month. Where do we find Lucifer and what is his state of mind?

For four weeks, he's self-worthwhile in the manner of Lucifer. He hoped that the detective, who would have disappeared, would come back. He had this flame of hope that was extinguishing slowly during this month. We have this montage of the time that pbades at the beginning of the episode. The murder of Pierce has been haunted. It's a bit like saying that it's maybe this ugly devil and this horrible thing. But, during a robbery, he had an enlightening moment in which he thought, "No, that's not all I'm in. If she ever comes back, I can prove it to her." It's basically Lucifer this season. He is constantly fighting this battle of "Am I the monster? Or am I the man I want to be?" That's all that has been put in place at the opening.

It is Lucifer who is the most vulnerable. How much did you explore these layers?

I think that's his most vulnerable. Lucifer takes into consideration the feelings of others. He does it more than once this season. For me, it is important that we remain honest with our story. I think that's where we are in our history. These moments of reflection on oneself, these moments of emotional vulnerability are important for the progression of our history. We are always aware that these people do not come from the Earth, so once these human traits begin to absorb them, they remain an angel, a demon or the devil.

How would you describe her relationship with Chloe at this point? When she returns to life, will Lucifer be relieved or terrified by his position?

He is confused, but optimistic when Chloe returns. It would be more than happy to accept that she has accepted everything and that she has moved on to something else. It soon becomes clear that there is something wrong with the inspector on his return. Of course, we have this revelation at the end of episode 1 that she did not just go on vacation to rethink things. She went to Rome to research the devil and her path crossed with this priest who convinced her that the best way to handle everything is to send the devil to hell. The priest is the only person who plausibly believes what she knows now.

Chloe has this struggle, which is understandable in human terms, but Lucifer simply can not understand it when he finds out. It's a betrayal. In the future, whatever happens between him and the detective, there is this betrayal that has occurred. Lucifer is not one to forget.

The eve of the Garden of Eden arrives at the gates of Lucifer. Introduce us to Eve and how she upsets the world of Lucifer.

Eve is Lucifer's first, which becomes very relevant as the season progresses. I do not think Lucifer ever hoped to see Eve again. But, at its lowest level with the detective, where he realizes that she will never accept him for who he really is, Eve introduces herself. She managed to get out of Heaven because she realized that he was not happy. What he's really missing is his first man, Lucifer, the first person she had. She comes back and kind of reminds Lucifer the devil that he used to be in the garden of Eden. She is more than willing to encourage her to get out of this. Suddenly, Lucifer is fighting. He has someone outside who supports him and who does not promote the best version of him.

Episode 6 culminates with a turning point for Lucifer. Can you explain how it's going during the rest of the season?

Lucifer, trying to do what is best, results in the death of someone. He takes it very badly. Lucifer then decides to resort to the punisher that he thinks he is now. He is doing something very bad. This has consequences towards the end of the season. The consequences may seem to be human and legal, but the celestial consequences become much more serious.

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