Lunar eclipse 2018: Date, time, where to look at the longest lunar eclipse of the century in India


We will witness the longest lunar eclipse of the century on the night of Friday, July 27, an event that will see the moon in the shadow of the Earth for one hour and 43 minutes. While this period is for the total lunar eclipse 2018, the duration of the eclipse – including the partial phases – will be more than 6 hours. This eclipse will also be a moon of blood, a phenomenon where the moon appears red. India is among the best places to see the lunar eclipse 2018, with the Middle East, South China and East Africa.

lunar eclipse 2018 date, time

The eclipse should begin in India at 23:44. IST on Friday night and the total lunar eclipse 2018 is expected to start at 1am. From 1:15 to 2:43, the moon will be in the middle of the Earth's shadow and will appear reddish in color. After 2:43, the eclipse will continue until 4:58, although the effect is not as important.

Where to observe the lunar eclipse 2018 in India

Due to pollution, people in some metropolitan cities in India may not be able to see the eclipse in all its glory, but those in the country should have a good vision of the phenomenon. The cloudy sky, however, can completely block the view of the moon. The meteor shower of Delta Aquariids will also be visible to some extent – the meteor shower will be at its peak on July 30, but even on July 27 (the day of the eclipse), the lack of moonlight will allow us to meteors

What is so special about the lunar eclipse July 2018
The lunar eclipse of July 2018 will be the longest until June 9, 2123. There has many factors for this, one being that the moon will be at the farthest point of the Earth in its orbit. This will make the moon look smaller than normal, and much smaller than it looks in the Super Moon (when the moon is at the closest point to its orbit). Earth). In fact, this phenomenon of the moon appearing small is called micro-moon. The moon in the lunar eclipse will also pbad in the middle of the Earth's shadow, which means that it will spend the maximum of time in the dark, thus contributing to the long life of l & # 39; eclipse.

What is a Moon of Blood
The lunar eclipse 2018 will also be a blood moon, where the moon will take on a reddish hue. This happens because sunlight refracted by the earth's atmosphere hits the darkened moon. Because the red wavelengths are less diffused than the blue and purple wavelengths, the moon appears red from our point of view.

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