Lunar eclipse and blood moon on July 27: Here's how to capture a lunar eclipse with a smartphone


Written by Meghna Dutta
| New Delhi |

Last update: 25 July 2018 10:13:40 pm

  lunar eclipse 2018, how to shoot a lunar eclipse with a smartphone, how to draw the moon of blood, lunar eclipse 2018 in India, lunar eclipse July 2018, blood moon july 2018, blood moon 2018, blood moon 2018 date, blood moon 2018 date and time in India, smartphone, smartphone camera, lunar eclipse If you want to shoot the longest lunar Eclipse and Blood Moon with the smartphone, here are some simple tips you can follow

On the night of July 27 and early morning, astronomers will see a moon of blood, is imée to be the longest of its kind in a hundred years. During this event, the Earth will cast its shadow on the moon that will radiate a scarlet red color. The longest lunar eclipse of the century will be visible in two parts; The first being a total lunar eclipse, followed by a partial eclipse. According to space specialists, the eclipse will last about an hour and 43 minutes and will also be visible in India. The bodies will line up in a straight line in the order of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. Simultaneously, we will also observe a full moon on July 27th.

Camera enthusiasts wishing to capture this event would need to know specific details, for example, the time of occurrence, as well as the latitudes along which this celestial phenomenon will be visible. For astronomers in New Delhi, they can attend the celestial event around 22:40 on July 27, according to Users who have DSLR and a telephoto lens might be able to better document this striking phenomenon with better detail. However, if you have a smartphone that you use as a daily driver to capture photos, do not worry, you can still enjoy your device if you have the right equipment. In this article, we have mentioned some simple tips to help you get your shot of the Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse

External Lens

The technology of the Smartphone camera has evolved tremendously over the past decade. Smartphones now offer striking detail photos with true colors. Nowadays, many smartphones integrate a wide angle or a telephoto lens with OIS to offer stable and clear images while zooming in on a subject. However, these modern smartphones suffer from limitations when capturing photos in the low light situation. In addition, in the case of a shooting eclipse, the resolution of the phone could limit the amount of eclipse that you can observe and result in a more grainy image. In such a situation, fixing an external telephoto lens can help capture good eclipse shots. These lenses have a longer focal length, which means you can get more details about the moon. There are many external lenses available in online stores and brick and mortar, for example, Olloclip Aukey photo lens for iPhones and Android smartphones or DMG 8X Zoom Magnifier Optical Telescope mobile phone camera lens.

  lunar eclipse 2018, how to shoot lunar eclipse with smartphone, how to draw moon blood, lunar eclipse 2018 India, lunar eclipse July 2018, blood moon July 2018, blood moon 2018, date blood moon 2018, moon of blood 2018 date and time in India, smartphone, smartphone camera, lunar eclipse "data-lazy-src =" length, which means you can get more details of t Moon (Source of the image: Flipkart)

Also read Lunar Eclipse 2018: Here are the schedules of India to watch the longest eclipse of the century

Using Tripod

A moving tripod is another equipment you would need from an external lens. The tripod basically helps to get a stable picture and to limit excessive creeping noise in the picture. In addition, it saves the effort of holding the smartphone for a longer time to get the best result. You can also take a gorilla holder that is lightweight and can be placed on any surface. Its flexible and "enveloping" legs allow to place comfortably on a flat or rocky surface. The rubber grips guarantee stability in various angles with the rubber grip that holds the smartphone easily.

  lunar eclipse 2018, how to shoot lunar eclipse with smartphone, how to shoot the moon of blood, lunar eclipse 2018 India, lunar eclipse July 2018, blood moon July 2018, blood moon 2018, blood moon date 2018, blood moon 2018 date and time in India, smartphone, smartphone camera, lunar eclipse "data-lazy-src =" 2018/07 / 5-1.jpg A mobile tripod can help avoid capturing the trembling image (Source of the image: Flipkart) 19659008] Smartphone cameras previously allowed to adjust only the white balance and the ISO, but with the advancement of technology and the introduction of Pro / Manual mode, users can now teak shutter speed, focus, aperture and level of 39, exhibition for a better composition. Incorporated into the smartphone's native camera app, it helps to adjust the white balance and sensitivity level (ISO) to light. You can also focus manually on the subject. Although the eclipse transports both dark and light areas, it is recommended to keep the HDR mode on your smartphone. The mode takes multiple images clicked at different exposures in quick succession and merges them using the software. By combining these multiple images, it produces a unique image with brighter colors and better contrast. However, there is a fear that some details will be lost in the process.

  lunar eclipse 2018, how to pull the lunar eclipse with the smartphone, how to shoot the moon of blood, lunar eclipse 2018 in the timings of India, lunar eclipse July 2018, blood moon July 2018, moon of blood 2018, blood moon date 2018, blood moon 2018 date and time in India, smartphone, smartphone camera, lunar eclipse "data-lazy-src =" lunar-eclipse006.jpg While all these modes should make the case of capturing a better shot of the eclipse, the point the most important thing is to make sure you arrive early and take the perfect place for it. puncture the Moon of blood and the lunar eclipse

Lock foc us and the exposure

The autofocus in the smartphone works well under good lighting conditions. However, the mode may not produce the same output when shooting dark scenes. In such a situation, it is best to focus manually on the subject to avoid losing details. For manual focus, just tap the subject in the viewfinder and then click on it. Manual focus helps you to have a "grain control" on the focal point

Also Read- Total lunar eclipse and blood moon on July 27: Here's why this event is unique [19659006] might not be easy during an eclipse. To get a better output, just tap the subject to focus, then adjust the exposure until you see the details in the eclipse. The moving tripod can further enhance by allowing you to shoot the same image multiple times under different exposure settings (EV) and then combine them together. You can also use the remote shutter for continuous shooting. Instead of sticking your eyes on the phone screen to hit the moon at the precise moment, you can simply use the remote shutter that will trigger the camera and take the picture.

Record time-lapse

If you do not want to waste all your energy trying to photograph the eclipse, you can use time-lapse mode as an alternative. Smartphones from major OEMs such as Samsung, Apple, OnePlus, etc. are now equipped with the built-in time-lapse mode. The mode you find in the native camera application can be viewed on the camera menu. With Time-lapse mode, you can photograph the entire eclipse. For that, you just need to open the camera application; select the time-lapse mode and the rest will be done by the phone.

Photo Editing App

While these tips will help you capture a good photo of the eclipse, you can download some photo editing apps to gain more control and refine the image. Taking a photo in RAW format will help you get more details than JPEG. For this you can use applications such as Pro Cam, Camera FV-5, etc. that can adjust highlights, shadows, color and contrast and fine tune details.

The most important thing is to make sure you arrive early and grab the perfect place to capture the Moon of Blood and the lunar eclipse. You can surf some websites to see how the eclipse will appear in your site.

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