Macron attacks tensions with Trump on European defense


French President Emmanuel Macron decided to soften his relations with Donald Trump after the American president was offended by his proposal, thus creating his own continental military force.

Macron received Trump at the Elysee Palace on a wet Saturday morning in Paris. before a commemorative weekend with world leaders to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

But, as they met, the two leaders waved placards, but their first task was to settle a public problem. In a radio interview this week, Macron said that a "strong and sovereign Europe" was needed to defend the continent's interests against China, Russia and "even the United States." The Trump plane having landed on Friday night, he sent a tweet calling Macron's proposal "very insulting."

Macron eagerly defused discord, saying Europe had to do more to defend itself and that its efforts to create more joint European Union defense initiatives were moving in this direction.

"Our defense cooperation is very important," said Macron early in the meeting, giving Trump another of his persistent handshakes. "I share President Trump's point of view: we need to a much better burden-sharing within NATO, and that's why I think my proposal for European defense really goes in that direction. "

" I understand what you're saying about sharing We know what my attitude is and we want a strong Europe – it's very important for us to have a strong Europe, "said Trump." We both want the best way, the most effective. "

Trump asked NATO countries to spend more on their own defense and asked if the United States should remain in the alliance Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have publicly asked if Europe can it relies on the help of the United States in case of war.

According to a French official who informed the reporters, the two presidents left their meeting for one hour. Aligned on security issues after Macron explained his proposals.

The French president also referred to Trump's draft withdrawal from the 1987 intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty, which the United States has violated. Wall Street Journal says Europe is "the main victim" of Trump's decision, Macron said during his visit to the battlefields of the First World War, in anticipation of the centenary of the November 11th Armistice . He told Trump that the Europeans should have been consulted, the official said.

Macron's comments on strengthening European defense cooperation were not meant to add points of contention and his position is not new. The French official suggested that Trump had brought together two separate issues, that of the withdrawal of the US from the INF Treaty and the resulting threat to European security, and the need to create an autonomous military force in Europe. Macron never meant that Europe had to protect itself from the United States, the official said.

Trump and Macron also have significant differences over US trade and sanctions against Iran, but have made little progress in reconciling their views with the United States. ;Elysium.

In addition to his encounters with Macron, Trump was scheduled to travel to the Belleau Wood battlefield and the American cemetery on Saturday, but the trip was canceled because rain prevented the planned helicopter tour. He has to speak Sunday at a ceremony of veterans at the American Cemetery Suresnes.

Putin, Erdogan

In Paris, Trump will meet Russian leader Vladimir Putin for the first time since their summit earlier this year in Helsinki, although White House officials downplayed meeting, saying that Trump was not planning extensive discussions with Putin during a weekend mainly devoted to ceremonies. The two men are expected to meet at the G-20 summit later this month in Argentina, and the White House has invited Putin to Washington.

Other meetings to watch include Trump's interaction with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, amid extremely tense circumstances. links on issues of security and economy, as well as on sanctions against Iran.

The Trump administration reinstates sanctions against Iran against international opposition, blacklisting hundreds of Iranian corporations and individuals. The sanctions stem from Trump 's efforts to exit or renegotiate an international agreement reached under President Barack Obama' s administration, offering economic aid in exchange for a freeze on the nuclear weapons program of the United States. ;Iran.

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