Madonna REVEALS Harvey Weinstein "crossed lines" and was "sexually flirtatious" while working together


The singer told the New York Times that Weinstein, accused of badual behavior and rape, had "crossed the lines" during the day.

International sensation Madonna talked about her encounters and her work experience with Harvey Weinstein in a final interview. The singer told the New York Times that Weinstein, accused of badual misconduct and rape, had "crossed the lines" during the day. A professional film producer, Weinstein's inappropriate behavior has been sidelined in 2017 after a NYT investigation. He was eventually fired from the Academy of Arts and Film Science in October 2017.

Weinstein has been accused by many women of committing inappropriate acts. badual behavior and Madonna also had a similar story to tell. The singer's documentary, Madonna: Truth or Dare, was distributed by the Miramax Company of Weinstein in the 1990s. Madonna recalled: "Harvey crossed borders and borders and was incredibly badually attractive and advanced with when we were working together, he was married at the time and it certainly did not interest me.I was aware that he had done the same thing with many other women that I knew in the company. "

The singer then revealed to the NYT:" And we were all ", Harvey must do it because he has so much power and he has so much success and his films are going very well and everyone wants to work with him, so you have to do with. & # 39; So that was it. "

However, Madonna also revealed that she was breathing a sigh of relief when Weinstein was called and held responsible after being in a strong position for so many years." According to the latest news, the producer had provisionally entered into a civil agreement of $ 44 million with his accusers of badual misconduct, his former trading partners and other entities, reported Wall Street Journal .

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