Maldives launch India again and sign a power agreement with Pakistan | News from India


NEW DELHI: The Maldives continue to pose new security problems in India almost every month. After the helicopter and work permit, Male has now signed a capacity building agreement in the energy sector with Pakistan.

Officials of the Maldives state electricity company, Stelco, traveled to Pakistan last week and signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the activities of " institution building ". The protocol agreement schedule is important for India as it happens that Male has stopped issuing work permits to Indians delaying work on India-managed projects like construction of 39, a police academy.

Indian officials have a hard time understanding what Male wants from Pakistan while all major Stelco projects are already run by Chinese companies.
"Given its precarious financial situation, Pakistan can not do much to help the Maldives, but President Yameen is doing his best to reduce the Indian footprint and introduce hostile elements to India for undermine the Indian influence in the Maldives ".

One of the reasons that the Maldives have dragged their feet on India 's proposal to deploy a Dornier surveillance aircraft on its territory would be its review of an offer of. a similar plane from Pakistan.

While Male reminded India that the deadline for withdrawing her naval helicopters has expired, she remained elusive in accepting the Indian Dornier aircraft offered in 2016. "The talk about Dornier seems to have Always been a misleading tactic of Male.To soften his decision to get rid of Indian helicopters, Yameen does not want an Indian footprint in the Maldives, "said one official.

Indian officials said that Mr. Male probably did not realize that the acquisition of a plane was not enough, because the exploitation of such equipment requires a manpower technical and support infrastructure. "Who will pay for the deployment of maintenance and aircraft maintenance personnel? Maldives up to now has everything on a plateau in India," said a source.

The Indian authorities believe that the presence of Pakistani officials will see the development of secret intelligence modules that will target India. The fear is that this may complicate the security situation in the Maldives, which is struggling to stem radicalization.

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