Mamta Mohandas: If a woman is in trouble, she is responsible


The shocking statements of actress Mamta Mohandas on the victims of badual badault and the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) were all the rage on social networks.

In a recent interview with a leading newspaper, she blames the victims and says: I do not know if I should say it, but if a woman is in trouble, I feel somewhere that she is in trouble responsible because if I got into trouble where I felt that someone had spoken I think I should have taken it into account. "

Mamta quickly evacuated the air saying that she was not pointing fingers anyone. She does not think that should happen to anyone.

These statements were perceived as a shock for many feminists and other members of the industry.

Mamta also revealed that she did not think that there is a need for women. at Cinema Collec tive. She explained: "She was trained when I was not there, if you ask me if I was gone if I was here, maybe not, it was not there. not because I'm against or for that.

Expressing herself about the actress's aggression case, she exclaimed: "During the press meeting, they had asked me what I had to say about the aggression incident by actress. it should have been discussed and resolved a few years ago. I know when the problem (between the actor and the badaulted actress) broke out, it was not when the incident is come.

Actress Rima Kallingal, one of the founding members of WCC, criticized Mamta Mohandas for her comments on her Facebook page

. Mamtha Mohandas and my sisters and brothers and LGBTQ community who have been harbaded and badaulted and molestations and rapes in life, you are not responsible when you are troubled, cat-called, badaulted, molested, abused, harbaded, raped, attacked, kidnapped or raped. The aggressor, molester, rapist, kidnapper or rapist is responsible. A society that normalizes these wrongs is responsible. A world that protects the malefactor is responsible. Aly Raisman (She called her doctor who badually badaulted 141 women whom she ended years of torture.) Said, "The action of our actions, or inactions, can be huge, expand over generations. feel guilty about the act of another person. Keep talking and defending each other. Let's break this wall of silence and ignorance. Love and strength to all. (sic) "

ALSO SEE Rima Kallingal of Women in Cinema Collective on Dileep: Do not Ask Us to Talk to AMMA

ALSO Seven detainees in a case of badault of Malayalam actor, rape charges filed


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