Man United defender Daley Blind returns to the Dutch side of Ajax


Manchester United confirmed Tuesday that Dutch defender Daley Blind should return to Amsterdamsche (AFC) Ajax football club.

Blind, 28, signed a four-year contract with Ajax after spending four years with Man United. Four trophies, but was barely used by coach Jose Mourinho in the 2017-18 season, making 17 appearances in all competitions, reports Efe.

"We can confirm that Daley Blind has left the MUFC to join Ajax," Manchester United said in a statement, praising him for being a "versatile and technically talented" player.

On Twitter, Blind said, "First of all I want to say how proud I am to be part of the Manchester United family: playing for the biggest club in the world with such a story meant a lot for me. "

Blind had been playing for Ajax from 2005 to 2014, when he moved to United after a strong presence with the Netherlands national team at the 2014 World Cup.

Although Man United did not give official sales figures, the British media estimate the signing at around 14 million pounds ($ 18.5 million), the same amount that United has paid for him four years ago.


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