Mangal Mission belongs to Vidya, Sonakshi, Taapsee, Kirti and Nithya: Akshay Kumar


  akshay kumar in mangal mission
Akshay Kumar dedicates the film to the main ladies of Mission Mangal.

After movies like Airlift, Baby and Kesari, Akshay Kumar tells a story We've already seen it with his upcoming title Mangal Mission.

The actor, who plays the role of an experienced scientist in the film based on scientists from the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) who worked on the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) , says it is inspired by the story of Mission Mangal.

"I am inspired when a film like this unfolds before me. What a brilliant story, inspired by a real incident. Few people know that NASA sent a satellite to Mars, spending close to RS. 6000 crore and ISRO have done in only Rs. 450 crore. Just see the difference. A little common sense and we saved a lot of money. Can you believe this story has not been told yet? I wanted to say that and that's why I sided with it, "said Akshay Kumar in a statement.

He added that Mangal Mission paid tribute to the women scientists and engineers who worked on the project In fact, he says the film belongs to his co-stars Vidya Balan, Sonakshi Sinha, Pannu Taapsee, Kirti Kulhari and Nithya Menen.

Read also | Mangal Mission Teaser: Akshay, Vidya, Taapsee and Nithya are ready for the mission on India March

"This is the work of 17 engineers and scientists from ISRO, listening to so many real stories of women scientists, I found it incredible See how they managed their homes while being incredibly at work.Through this movie, I want to tell them that they are awesome.This movie belongs to these five girls, performed by Vidya Balan, Sonakshi Sinha, Taapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari and Nithya Menen. their movie, "said the 51-year-old.

Mangal Mission is directed by Jagan Shakti. The film is released on August 15th.

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