Mars closest to the Earth in 15 years on July 31, 2018: Where to see it in India and watch the live stream


Mars will be closest to the Earth in a decade and a half on the night of July 31, 2018. The Earth will have the Red Planet and the Sun on each side, with the three celestial bodies in a straight line. Although the two planets are at close distances from each other, they will still be 57.6 million kilometers apart. It is the closest distance between Mars and Earth until October 2020, but the visibility of the red planet is as good as that of tomorrow only every 15-17 years. Those who observed the lunar eclipse on July 27 also had to notice Mars in the sky, because the planet was easily visible at a few degrees below our natural satellite

Mars closest to the Earth in 15 years

Although Mars is the closest Planet Earth in 15 years is a phenomenon for our generation, it is nowhere as important as in 2003. At that time, Mars and Earth were only at 56 millions of kilometers one from the other. years and will not happen again before the year 2287, according to NASA estimates

  Closest approach to Mars Earth July 31, 2018 March 2 Near Earth Approach July 31, 2018

July 31, 2018, March will be closest to the Earth since 2003 – "just & # 39; 57.6 million kilometers

So why does this happen?
Like all other planets, Earth and Mars have elliptical orbits, meaning an oval shape. Perihelic opposition occurs when Mars is at the point closest to the Sun in its orbit, which happened on July 27, 2018 – the night of the lunar eclipse. At that time, the gap between the two planets was bigger than tomorrow. But it should be noted that Mars closest to the Earth does not mean that it will also be the brightest. In fact, the best visibility of the planet is estimated between July 27th and July 30th, which means that you will still have a vision tonight that you will not be able to acquire for at least 15 years.

  Mars Close Pixabay Sun Approach March 31 2018

Mars will be closest to the Earth on July 31, 2018 after crossing the closest point of its orbit to the Sun

Where to Look at Mars the Most near Earth in India

Mars in the closest position to the Earth is in the southern hemisphere, which means that India is not the best place for this celestial phenomenon . However, the visibility will not be too bad because it is estimated that the planet will be easily visible from all parts of India, but not as well as it would be from Australia, Africa and Africa. South or countries of South America. You will need a telescope with a large lens (6 to 8 inches) to be able to see the planet, and even then, clouds can obstruct your view.

If you want to watch Mars's closest Earth online, you can also view the phenomenon on a YouTube live stream. NASA's Griffith Observatory is organizing a live stream of the event tomorrow, which you can start by pressing the play button below:

With Mars the closest to Earth for a long time, you should be able to see it start sunset and have the view until sunrise. He will be brighter than the gaseous giant Jupiter and as bright as Saturn in the night sky.

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