Maxillary (upper maxillary) Upper Miocene discovered in western India


WIHG WIF / A 1099, Upper Maxillary Retaining Canine-M2. Credit: Bhandari et al, 2018

According to a study published November 14, 2018 open air, the upper jaw (upper jaw) of the upper Miocene, found in the Kutch Basin, in western India, greatly expands the range Southern Ancient Apes of the Indian Peninsula Access PLOS ONE by Ansuya Bhandari of the Sahni Birbal Institute of Paleoscience, Lucknow, India, and his colleagues.

Monkeys, or hominoids, form a group of primates from Africa and Southeast Asia that includes gibbons and great apes: chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and humans. Ancient monkey remains from Miocene deposits in the Siwaliks of India and Pakistan have been essential to understanding the evolution of great apes and humans. In this study, researchers examined a fragment of monkey jaw sampled in the Kutch Basin, in the state of Gujarat, about 1,000 km south of the Siwaliks deposits.

X-ray computed tomography revealed cheek teeth, such as tooth enamel and root structure. The monkey mandible belonged to an adult individual of the genus Sivapithecus but the species could not be identified. The authors dated the Upper Miocene basal specimen, about 11 to 10 million years ago, based on mammalian fossil finds in the site. This new discovery is the first Miocene monkey fossil to have been discovered to date in the Indian peninsula, to the south. It extends the southern chain of ancient monkeys of the subcontinent by about 1000 km.

The authors add: "C 11 years of human ancestors in Kutch, Gujarat."

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More information:
Bhandari A, Kay RF, Williams BA, BN ​​Tiwari, Bajpai S, Hieronymus T (2018) First record of Sivapithecus, Miocene hominoid, native of Kutch, Gujarat State, western India. PLOS ONE 13 (11): e0206314.

Journal Reference:

Public Library of Science

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