MDA Brings Space Robotics and Advanced Detection Capabilities to the UK


US: MDA, a company of Maxar Technologies announced that it has received a pledge from UK Space Agency (UKSA) to develop space robotics capabilities of point in the ] United Kingdom . Agreement valued at C $ 1.7 million enhances MDA's ability to lead a European consortium bidding for the first phase of the Space Vehicle Robotics (SSV) program of the European Space Agency (ESA)

. Neptec Design Group Ltd. (Neptec), MDA develops robotic, tool and sensor solutions for various in-orbit maintenance applications that will allow satellites to perform longer missions, thus saving money for their operators. Space robotics is a key element of the new space economy, fueling applications such as the maintenance, repair, refueling and de-orbiting of satellites and the construction of large spatial structures. MDA is strongly positioned to capture growth in this market. Neptec and MDA are based in Harwell, UK, which have been supporting European commercial and government satellite projects since 2009.

Support the land-orbit satellite industry and the mining, interplanetary and energy markets. Asteroids that are expanding, ESA has been working on the concept of space maintenance vehicles, capable of providing services such as:

  • Spacecraft maintenance in orbit, c & # 39; 39, ie moving a spacecraft to provide fuel, replace a battery or attach a solar panel. Spacecraft pulling from one orbit to another, that is, from low Earth orbit to geostationary orbit, or orbit Earth in lunar orbit
  • Assembly in orbit, that is to say badembly of several parts of a system. "We are excited to bring MDA's innovative and advanced robotics and sensor technology to the space industry around the world." United Kingdom [19] 459007]" said Mike Greenley MDA Group Chairman. "We look forward to leveraging this core capability in orbit service and exploring growth opportunities for greater participation of United Kingdom to larger commercial programs. Investing in the future of the space industry promotes the growth of capabilities and jobs. "

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