Measles has surged worldwide because of "gaps" in immunization coverage, health agencies say


WHO reported that measles outbreaks had occurred in all regions due to gaps in immunization coverage. An estimated 110,000 deaths from measles in 2017.

"Since 2016, the incidence of measles has increased worldwide and in five of the six regions of the WHO", the report says, in part because more countries have reported the virus. .

The Western Pacific region, which includes countries such as Australia and Japan, is the only one to have recorded a decline in the number of cases between 2016 and 2017. It is also the only one to reach and maintain a coverage of 95% or more of the first dose. Measles vaccine since 2006.

Measles can be prevented with two doses of a vaccine and measles immunization has averted about 21.1 million deaths between 2000 and 2017, according to the report .

Immunization coverage has increased globally, from about 72% to 85% between 2000 and 2017, according to the report, but it is far from reaching the 95% needed to prevent epidemics. The coverage of the first vaccine "has been stagnant for nearly a decade," the report says.

The estimated coverage of the second dose of measles vaccine increased from 15% in 2000 to 67% in 2017, according to the report.

From July, endemic measles was re-established in Venezuela, causing outbreaks in neighboring countries. the region was declared endemic for endemic measles in 2016.

In 2017, the European Region declared "the reestablishment of endemic measles virus transmission in the Russian Federation and in Germany", even though it was the only one in the world. she had verified the elimination in 37 other countries.

"The resurgence of measles in Europe has probably helped to restore endemic measles in some EUR countries," the report says.

Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, Vaccine Alliance, said in a statement: "The increase in the number of measles cases is deeply worrying, but not surprising." The complacency with regard to the disease and the spread Vaccine lies in Europe, a ruined health system Venezuela and pockets of fragility and low immunization coverage in Africa unite to provoke a global resurgence of measles after years of progress.

"Existing strategies must change: more efforts are needed to increase routine immunization coverage and strengthen health systems. Otherwise, we will continue to pursue an epidemic after another. "

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