Meghan Markle's due date is "TODAY" and expectant parents are "waiting but relaxed"


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The expected date for the birth of Meghan Markle has been the subject of much speculation after being neglected during a royal engagement. The Duke and Duchess of Susbad spoke to family and friends about the royal arrival at Princess Eugenie's wedding last October. And then, Meghan fueled the fire by saying that they were expecting an arrival in late April or early May.

According to sources, royal sources claimed that the new royal baby was to be returned to Sunday. The Kensington Palace has not provided official confirmation, but many mothers know that a due date is by no means a guarantee of arrival. a baby. According to a Live Science article written when Kate Middleton was waiting for Prince George, a firstborn would have a 15% chance of being born late.

And a royal source told the Sun, while the future parents Harry and Meghan are waiting, they are both in a relaxed mood. Meghan, 37, would stay close to home with her mother Doria Ragland, who has been at Frogmore Cottage for a week. Meanwhile, Harry would still plan to attend the London Marathon to distribute medals and support the runners.

A source told the Sun: "It will not be long now." Meghan is very excited, of course she's nervous like any other mom for the first time, but she and Harry are waiting impatiently. her birth – she wants it to be as natural as possible – and so practices hypnobirth and breathing techniques with Harry.That was a huge support to having her mother by her side and now she rest as much as possible. "[19659003]

Meghan would prefer a birth at home, but the Frimley Park Hospital, located in Surrey, would also be waiting. Chris Ship, editor of ITV, also told Good Morning Britain Friday that his baby was about to be,

because, in fact, I can tell you that the date of "Today is about the same day," he said. "Today, tomorrow, we are really in the realm of an imminent arrival," he added.

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