Merkel fights to save division's coalition on migration | News from the world


Issues surrounding the processing of immigration and asylum applications by Europe continued to cause a political headache Sunday night as German Chancellor Angela Merkel sought to ease tensions with the conservative allies of his coalition government. has concluded a vague agreement on migration, promising to set up secure centers to handle the asylum applications of people rescued in the Mediterranean, Merkel has developed its own set of measures to strengthen controls on the influx of migrants in Germany and presented to its skeptical coalition partners, the Bavarian Christian Social Conservative Union (CSU).

The German coalition government is under pressure, after Interior Minister Horst Seehofer – also head of the CSU – has threatened to return asylum seekers already registered in another country of the USSR. EU, unless Merkel finds a solution Sunday night.

But after Merkel introduced new German migration measures to calm the situation, Mr Seehofer reportedly expressed dissatisfaction with Angela Merkel's agreement at a private meeting with other CSU party leaders Sunday afternoon.

The Minister of the Interior complained in Munich that he had engaged Merkel in a "no-effect conversation" over his plans to dismiss asylum seekers already registered in the EU. Other EU countries, sources said.

Merkel is engaged in a fight for her political survival with rebel CSU, who pushed her for weeks to crack down on immigration and asylum as she fears to be overwhelmed to the right by Alternative anti-immigrant and anti-Islam for Germany (AfD)

elections in October, CSU, the brother party of Christian Democrats Merkel (CDU), argued for more rules strict rules on migration.

The Chancellor rejects Seehofer's plan that Germany unilaterally rejects already registered asylum seekers on the border, preferring to cooperate with Germany's neighbors.

Angela Merkel fears that Germany will trigger a chain reaction. destroys the area of ​​free movement without borders of the EU, considered by the EU as one of its greatest achievements, as well as a pillar of employment and the prosperity.

Merkel has developed a series of plans to tighten controls on the influx of migrants. a document submitted to its coalition partners this weekend. At his request, EU leaders agreed last week on a series of measures to reduce immigration into the bloc and the "secondary migration" of asylum seekers between countries .

Merkel also claimed to have agreements with 16 other countries. resume already registered asylum seekers. But Central European countries, including Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, have denied such an agreement. "Germany has not addressed us and I will not sign this agreement," Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš said in a statement. "No negotiations took place between the Czech Republic and Germany on this issue," he added.

Merkel said Sunday that she wanted her Christian Democratic Union and her Bavarian allies to continue working together. She told the German broadcaster ZDF that the differences with the CSU only concerned how to reduce migration, not the goal as such.

A look at the main priorities set out in the German coalition agreement, which will guide


EU reform efforts will be at the center of the agenda of the new government as the bloc struggles with growing nationalism, security concerns and an unpredictable ally of the United States to Donald Trump

While agreeing to support the EU's foreign and defense policy, parties say they are ready to increase Germany 's contributions to the EU budget after the departure of Britain. They also support the creation of a European Monetary Fund, but offer only cautious support to the idea of ​​a eurozone investment budget. Emmanuel Macron.


The return of Angela Merkel's decision the government now aims to limit to about 200,000 the annual number of people seeking refuge at about 200,000.

At the EU level, Ms Merkel says she's still waiting for member states to share refugees. The Chancellor also reiterated the need to tackle the "root causes of migration" with development aid for the countries of origin, while ensuring better securing the external borders of the country. 39; EU.

Economics of the Future

The economy is flourishing, workers are enjoying high wages and record unemployment, but this has hardly helped to allay concerns about globalization and automation of work, as well as growing inequalities

. respond to these fears with infrastructure investments, an offensive to improve the nation's squeaky Internet networks, pension reform and more funding for education and lifelong learning

Photography: Kai Pfaffenbach / X00446

She said: "I share the goal of the CSU on the one hand to reduce the number of immigrants brought to Europe by traffickers and on the other hand I share the point Asylum seekers can not choose If Seehofer rejects Merkel's approach and orders the border police to start returning asylum seekers already registered, she would be obliged to dismiss, effectively blowing up its conservative camp and depriving its ruling Social Democratic Party coalition.While most badysts expect Merkel to survive the clash with CSU, it is unlikely that this is the last time the brother party has tried to distance itself from a centrist chancellor for its own supporters

The Spanish maritime rescue service has picked up 160 people from five boats that were crossing the dangerous strait of Gibraltar dep in North Africa.

The rescue service reported that 57 migrants were rescued from three boats on Sunday morning and landed in Tarifa. at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula. Another rescue vessel transported 103 people to Algeciras, a large port city in the east

The number of people arriving in Europe by the so-called land and sea route to Spain has exceeded the boat arrivals to Italy this year. ] [ad_2]
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