Mike Pompeo will leave for North Korea this week for nuclear talks



US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will visit North Korea on Thursday for talks on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the House announced on Monday. Blanche

. Pompeo's first visit to North Korea since June 12, an unprecedented summit between President Donald Trump and Kim, where the North Korean leader agreed to "work towards the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula".

or when Pyongyang could abandon the nuclear and missile programs that are now threatening the United States. "To continue the important and ongoing work of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, Secretary Pompeo will travel to North Korea on July 5 to meet with the North Korean leader." Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman, said in a statement. from a press briefing

Sanders said that the United States "continued to make progress" in their talks with North Korea

The State Secretary confirmed that a delegation led by Sung Kim, the US ambbadador to the Philippines, met with North Korean counterparts at Panmunjom. "Our goal remains the final and fully verified denuclearization of (North Korea), as agreed by Chai" at the border between North Korea and South Korea Sunday "to discuss the next steps in the implementation of the summit declaration. According to the State Department spokesman, Sanders said she would neither confirm nor deny recent media reports of intelligence badessments that cast doubt on Korea's willingness to North to abandon a nuclear weapons program

. The White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton, said Sunday that he thought most of North Korea's weapons programs could be dismantled a year from now. they had already made the strategic decision to do so. "

For a positive change, we are moving together toward further negotiations, "said Sanders

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