Minister Responsible for Higher Education Rejects Darwin's Theory | News from India


NEW DELHI: Satya Pal Singh, the state minister responsible for higher education, questioned the authenticity of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and declared that his last statement on the German naturalist was "scientifically false".

"The ancestors of those who believe (Darwin's theory) may have been apes, but not mine," said the Minister of Education quoted by IANS.

Earlier this year, the minister responsible for higher education in the country had baderted that Darwin's "incorrect" theory should not be taught in schools and colleges.

"No one, including our ancestors, either written or spoken, said he saw a monkey turn into a man … Humans appeared on Earth as humans since the beginning, "he said.

Not only did Darwin, Singh also doubted the origin of the law of Isaac Newton's movement.

A month after his comment rejecting Darwin's theory, the minister questioned the origin of Newton's law of motion.

According to Singh, a certain 'mantras & # 39; codified the laws of motion well before being discovered by Newton.

"There are mantras codifying the" laws of motion "well before it was discovered by Newton, so it is essential that TK be incorporated into our programs", said the IPS politician at the 65th meeting of the Central Advisory Council of Education (CABE) which was chaired by HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar last month.

HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar asked Singh to refrain from making such comments and leave science to the scientists because it is their domain.

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