Mithun's son Chakraborty Mahaakshay is married to Madrasa actress Sharma. See all photos of their wedding


  •   The son of veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty Mahaakshay Chakraborty aka Mimoh married actress Madalsa Sharma on July 10. The actor Jimmy was released on bail in the rape case of a Bhojpuri actress

    The actor Jimmy was released on bail in the rape case of An actress of Bhojpuri

  • <img rel = "index, follow" clbad = "lazy" src = "" data-original = "" title = "Mahaakshay and Madalsa tied the knot in Ooty on Tuesday afternoon at Mithun's luxurious hotel with family and friends. " alt = "Mahaakshay and Madalsa tied the knot in Ooty on Tuesday afternoon at the luxurious Mithun Hotel with family and friends." 19659004] Mahaakshay and Madalsa pouted at Ooty on Tuesday afternoon at the luxury hotel Mithun in the presence of their family and friends

  •   Mimoh reportedly got his marriage to South Madalsa Sharma actress on July 7 after being released on bail in the rape case, according to a report in Bombay Times The star-son is currently on bail and the first pictures of his marriage are on social media.

    It is reported that Mimoh got his wedding with South actress Madalsa Sharma registered on July 7 after he was released on bail in the rape case, according to a report in Bombay Times.The star-son is currently on bail and the first The photos of his marriage are on social media

  •   Madalsa Sharma has side view in the Rajeev Khandelwal starrer Samrat & Co. She also made several films in South India and in Punjab.

    Madalsa Sharma was seen in the starrer of Rajeev Khandelwal Samrat and Co. She also shot several films in South India and Punjab.

  • "Everything is fine, everyone is very excited, we keep the business quiet because we wanted to be a family affair, it's a destination wedding, I can not reveal the l & # 39; 39 – place – but it's sure it's not Mumbai ", Madalsa was quoted earlier as saying to Spotboye

  •   Also, Madalsa also talked about her relationship with Mahaakshay. So many publications write so many things, Our families have known each other for a very long time.Families took the first call and then we took our relationship forward.So, you can say that it is a -cum Arrange - Love Marriage in our case, "said the actress.

    In addition, Madalsa also spoke about her relationship with Mahaakshay. "So many publications write so many things, Our families have known each other for a very long time.Our parents have been badociated and worked together.The families took the first call, then we took our relationship to can say C & Is an arrangement -cum -The marriage of love in our case, "said the actress.

  •   Mahaakshay Chakraborty and Madalsa Sharma made the groom the happiest.

    Mahaakshay Chakraborty and Madalsa Sharma made the groom the happiest. Mahaakshay made his Bollywood debut with the movie Jimmy in 2008. He was last seen in Haunted 3D. “/>

    Mahaakshay made his Bollywood debut with the movie Jimmy in 2008. He was last seen in Haunted 3D. On the other hand, Madalsa has been busy with its projects in the South film industry. “/>

    On the other hand, Madalsa has been busy with his projects in the South Film Industry.

  •   Reports suggest that the duo had dated for more than three years. They got engaged in March of this year and are now married.

    Reports suggest that the duo had been dating for more than three years. They got engaged in March of this year and are now married.

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