Molecular oxygen in the atmosphere of the comet is not created on its surface


View of comet 67P taken by Rosetta. Credit: European Space Agency

Scientists have found that molecular oxygen around the comet 67P is not produced on its surface, as some have suggested, but may come from its body.

The Rosetta spacecraft of the European Space Agency escorted comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko on her journey around the sun from August 2014 to September 2016, dropping a probe and ending with s & # 39; Crushing on its surface

sun ice on its "sublime" surface – transforms from solid to gas forming a gas atmosphere called coma. The badysis of coma by instruments on Rosetta revealed that it contained not only water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, but also molecular oxygen.

Molecular oxygen is two joined oxygen atoms. , where it is produced by photosynthesis. It has been detected previously around some of Jupiter's icy moons, but it was not expected to be around a comet.

The Rosetta science team initially reported that oxygen probably came from the main nucleus of the comet. This meant that it was "primordial" – that it was already present when the comet itself formed at the beginning of the Solar System 4.6 billion years ago.

A group of external researchers however suggested that there could be a different source of molecular oxygen. comets. They had discovered a new way of producing molecular oxygen in space, triggered by energetic ions – electrically charged molecules. They proposed that reactions with energetic ions on the surface of comet 67P could be the source of molecular oxygen detected

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