Moon Jae-in Seeks Parliamentary Support for the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula


Seoul [South Korea]: South Korean President Moon Jae-in called on the South Korean parliament to support the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Addressing the National Assembly on Thursday, he said: "The National Assembly is working with us on denuclearization and the peace process on the Korean peninsula. "

" We must join forces to preserve this opportunity, Moon said.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, Chinese Premier Xi Jinping is expected to visit North Korea soon.

"A second North American summit is just around the corner. President Kim Jong-un in Russia and Chinese President Xi Jinping in North Korea are expected to visit shortly. The possibility of a North-Japan summit also remains open. An upcoming visit of President Kim Jong-un to Seoul will also take place soon, "said the South Korean President.

Concluding the ongoing peace process on the Korean peninsula as" a historical starting point for co-prosperity Moon also stated

"A historic starting point for co-prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and in North-East Asia is right in front of us, we will go beyond the Eurasian continent by train and we will head towards a multilateral regime of peace and security via a railway community (of nations), "he said.

"This is an opportunity that has come as a miracle – it's an opportunity we should never miss," said Moon. (ANI)

This is published unedited from the ANI feed.

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