Mother Of Yusi Zhao paid $ 6.5 million to the "consultant" for his entry to Stanford. She was cheated


Yusi Zhao's mother stated that she considered that the $ 6.5 million she had paid was a legitimate gift.

The mother of a Chinese student said that she was unconsciously trapped in a college admissions scandal, believing that the $ 6.5 million qu & # 39; She paid to get her daughter. at Stanford University, a legitimate donation would be used to fund scholarships for children in need.

Yusi Zhao's mother, who was attending Stanford, said through her attorney that she had been cheated by William "Rick" Singer, academic consultant at the Los Angeles Times Center

This development adds even more intrigue to the admissions scandal, which has led to the arrest of dozens of wealthy parents, including celebrities, highly publicized. lawyers and investors, and heir to the Hot Pocket fortune. The FBI arrested 50 people in March as part of Operation Varsity Blues, a survey that uncovered a vast plan of corruption in colleges. Prosecutors said parents, including Hollywood stars Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin, had paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to help their children lie and sneak into selective colleges. Several, including Singer and many of his badociates, have already pleaded guilty to fraud and conspiracy and should be sentenced later this month.

Singer's lawyer, Don Heller, did not immediately return a request for comment.

No Zhao family members were charged and he is not mentioned in the court documents. But when US lawyer Andrew Lelling announced the arrests in March, he said a family had paid $ 6.5 million. The Los Angeles Times reported for the first time that it was the Zhao family who had paid the sum of seven digits – far more than anyone else in the scheme. A spokeswoman for Lelling said she could not comment on the ongoing investigation.

Money was not used to find out how, but Singer eventually donated a half-million dollars to Stanford's sailing program. The coach, John Vandemoer, was accused of accepting bribes aimed at naming children of affluent parents as athletes in order to increase their chances of being accepted even they were not competitors.

Singer pleaded guilty to numerous charges in this project. According to prosecutors, Singer has sought millions of dollars from wealthy parents looking for places for their children in selective colleges and universities. He used these funds to bribe the test supervisors to help cheat children on college entrance exams and pay college athletics coaches who nominated the students. young people as athletes for sports in which they did not participate, in order to obtain their admission.

In a statement, Stanford, based in Palo Alto, Calif., Said that the university was not aware of a $ 6.5 million donation until it reached the end of the year. it is reported by the media. The Singer Foundation, whose funds were used to bribe coaches, donated $ 770,000 to the sailing team, including $ 500,000 on behalf of a student who was finally admitted. Stanford dismissed the student after discovering lies in his candidacy. He refused to identify any of the students involved in the scandal.

"This generous act was accomplished not only for the sake of the school and its students, but also for the love and support of Yusi by a caring mother," Vincent Law, the mother's attorney based in Hong Kong, told the Times. Law refused to identify the mother, the only appellant "Ms. Zhao". Law stated that his client believed that the money would go to needy children. The Washington Post could not contact him for comment.

(With the exception of the title, this story has not been altered by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated thread.)

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