MS Dhoni most popular Indian sportsman before Virat Kohli, Sachin Tendulkar: poll | locust


MS Dhoni may have been criticized for his demonstrations of pedestrian hitters during the recent run of limited overtaking against England, but the former skipper of the Indian cricket team remains a popular figure in India.

Dhoni received more votes than current India captain Virat Kohli and cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar in a survey conducted by YouGov to determine the most popular people in the world.

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In the "India" section of the study, Dhoni was the most voted for the sportsman with a "score of". admiration 'of 7.7% and the second voted for the person on the list, behind only Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India.

Sachin Tendulkar was the most voted on the list with 6.8%, while Virat Kohli was the next with a voting percentage of 4.8.

MS Dhoni, who won the T20 World Cup in 2007 and the 50-year-old World Cup in 2011, recently added another notable achievement to his already envious list of achievements.

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He became fourth Indian and 12th in the history of ODI to score 10,000 points. The step was taken during the second ODI against England at Lord & # 39; s.

Virat Kohli will lead the Indian Cricket team in a five-game series against England, India's first tour since 2014. The first test begins in August 1 at Edgbaston.

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