Multiplexes use the "double MRP" to override the rules – The New Indian Express


By Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Although the state government's decision to mandate multiplexes and movie theaters to sell food and beverages to the MRP was a step in the right direction, it remains to be seen how effective it will be. Almost immediately after the issuance of orders, multiplexes began to formulate new ways to compensate for lost revenue.

Several of them have now adopted the practice of double MRP for products. For example, a bottle of one liter mentions a MRP of 20 in the general market and a higher MRP when sold in a movie theater. In this way, the multiplex authorities can remain in the law as it is, technically, not breaking the rules and not committing a violation of matrimonial real property. For customers, however, it comes back to square one.

It is reported that some multiplexes sell bottles of water at a rate 200% higher than their normal MRP. In the absence of alternatives, customers are forced to shell out extra money even when they do not want it.

A Twitter user from the city tweeted Wednesday saying that PVR Cinemas, owner and operator of many multiplexes in the city, was selling a 500-ml water bottle at 60 in his F & B counters. "They ( PVR) only sell this product and no others that cost Rs.20 per liter bottle Can the government regulate this? ", Tweeted K Shashi Bhushan

" No control over restrictive trade "

Consumer activists raised their voices against restrictive business practices adopted by multiplexes Akun Sabharwal, controller of the legal meteorology department, said consumers should submit However, he added that the Department was not able to take direct cognizance of cases of restrictive business practices.

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