Mystery Source Of Already Banned Ozone-Depleting Substance Discovered


The darker colors in the map represent the areas with the highest carbon tetrachloride emissions. This is a concentration of the already-banned substance in eastern China. ( Lunt, Park, et al. )

The mystery of the source of the ozone-depleting substance is finally discovered. (19659003) Ozone-Depleting Emissions

It was in 2010 that the production of carbon tetrachloride was banned worldwide because of its destructive properties on Earth's ozone. layer, which protects us from harmful ultraviolet radiation. However, recent studies revealed that there are still about 40,000 tons of the substance still in the air each year.

The source of the emissions is a mystery to scientists, so researchers from the University of Bristol, along with researchers from the United States, South Korea, Switzerland, and Australia collaborated to quantify the emissions in East Asia using both ground-based and airborne atmospheric concentration data from 2010 to 2016.

Mystery Source Revealed

China which accounts for a large sum of the missing global estimates. In addition, the carbon tetrachloride emissions from east Asia were even found to be significantly larger than previously thought.

Furthermore, they also found no evidence of decreasing emissions in the region since 2010. In fact, the data even shows a slight

Gaps In Knowledge

Dr. Matt Rigby Coauthor notes that while there is a big question, there is a need for more information. are still gaps in knowledge that need to be addressed, such as the exact industries that are responsible. In addition, it is still unknown that the emissions have been intentionally or inadvertently induced by the production of such chemicals in the form of chlorine.

"Studies such as this show the importance of continued monitoring of ozone-depleting gases. There is a temptation to see ozone depletion has a problem that has been solved. But the monitoring of man-made ozone-depleting gases in the atmosphere is essential to ensuring the continued success of the phase-out of these compounds, "said lead author Dr. Mark Lunt of the University of Bristol.

The study is published in Geophysical Research Letters .

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