Nargis Fakhri blames the Amavas team after being withdrawn from the promotions. Read the full statement


Nargis Fakhri reportedly left the promotions of his next film, Amavas, before leaving the country, leaving the producers of the film in the rough. The actress, however, issued a statement clarifying its position on the issue.

  Amargas by Nargis Fakhri will appear in theaters on February 8th. "Title =" Amavas de Nargis Fakhri will appear on February 8th. "You are taking a step in France on February 8. </p>
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After a long time, Nargis Fakhri was about to return to the big screen with the Amavas of Bhushan Patel, but the actor was immersed in controversies even before the release of the film in theaters.

recently reported that the actress had left the film's promotions halfway and had headed out of the country, leaving film producers high and dry, and that Nargis had chosen not to participate in the promotion because she was irritated by the media, asking her questions about her break-up h Matt Alonzo, Hollywood actor.The actress was also questioned on rumors of ties with Uday Chopra.

In resuming the charges, the actress made a statement. She said: "All the promotional experience of this film, even brief, has been extremely painful because of the total lack of communication and their producer (Sachin Joshi and the film crew). My team gave them seven days of promotion well in advance. So, I do not know where this debate on my early departure, etc. comes in. "

She added," To be honest, I was not informed about the release of the film or what I wanted to do. updated their plans and promotional activities. In spite of this, I made sure of the presence and promotion of the film within the agreed timeframes. And now, seeing them issue such statements about my professional commitment is extremely disheartening and unacceptable when it's the film crew that has not kept its promises. "

Nargis will play the lead role alongside Sachiin Joshi in Amavas, to be released in theaters on February 8.

Also read I Nargis Fakhri drops the Amavas promotions and Leaving the country: Is Uday Chopra the reason?

To see also: end of the romance for Uday Chopra and Nargis Fakhri [19659004] ]

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