NASA commercial crew program for space station


Plans to launch the first NASA astronauts since 2011 to the International Space Station from the United States

SpaceX and Boeing Co are the two main contractors selected under the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's commercial crew to send astronauts to space as soon as 2019, using their respective Dragon and Starliner spacecraft

But the report from the Government Accountability Office said that it could not be said that the United States was leaving the United States.

"Boeing and SpaceX Continues to Make Progress in their Crewing Systems, But Both Contractors Have Further Delivered Milestone Certification to Early 2019," the report said.

"Without a viable contingency option for ensuring uninterrupted access to ISS in the event of further commercial delays, we concluded that NASA was at risk of not being able to maximize its return on its multibillion-dollar investment in the space station, "he added. Boeing said: "Boeing is working with NASA to ensure that the CST-100 Starliner flies at the earliest time it is safe to do so," Boeing senior spokesman Jerry Drelling told Reuters in an E-mail. With SpaceX, SpaceX and Boeing Received $ 2.6 Billion Contracts to Build Crew Systems Under the Commercial Crew Program, NASA's In the report, NASA said it was working with its commercial partners to resolve the issues and was developing contingency plans in

Before SpaceX and Boeing can launch the astronauts they can demonstrate their crew systems are safe for human spaceflight, according to NASA. The GAO said it was tracking the danger of the crew of the crew, the Boeing Starliner abort system meant to eject the capsule from a dangerous rocket explosion and a since-upgraded fuel valve on SpaceX's Falcon rocket that triggered a costly 2016 launchpad

Since 2011, NASA has taken seats in the Russian Soyuz space in the United States. US launches before 2011 were handled by NASA.

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