NASA looks to Moon to announce partnerships with US companies


  Space Flight, Mars Exploration, Outer Space, Mars, Colonization of Mars, Human Missions on Mars, United States Government, NASA, InSight, Human Mission on Mars, New Moon, President, America, National Administration of Aeronautics and Space, Jim
This initiative falls under Space Policy Directive No. 1, signed by President Donald Trump of the United States. December 2017. (Image: NASA)

After the historic InSight touchdown on Mars, NASA must now focus on the Moon mission by announcing new partnerships with US companies, Spat said American iale. Working with American companies is the next step toward conducting long-term scientific studies and human exploration of the Moon and Mars, NASA said in a statement on Tuesday.

"We announce new partnerships with American companies. The United States is coming back to the surface of the moon, and we are doing it sooner than you think! ", Tweeted Jim Bridenstine, NASA Administrator.

The agency will unveil details of its plan to return to the moon at a press conference on Thursday afternoon. NASA will unveil names of future partners chosen to send astronauts back to the moon, for the first time in nearly five decades Known as the "Moon to Mars" project, NASA will lead an innovative and sustainable exploration of the moon with commercial partners The initiative falls under the directive-1 on space policy, signed by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in December 2017.

See also: The success of NASA on Mars CubeSat paves the way for smaller probes in deep space

Today, the US space program will be refocused on human exploration and discovery. A first step in the return of astronauts amé on the moon for the first time since 1972, for the purpose of exploration and long-term use, "said Trump. "This time, we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprints, we will lay the groundwork for a possible mission to Mars and perhaps a day in another world."

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