NASA redraws its constellations to map the gamma sky (IMAGE, VIDEOS) – RT US News


This is probably the only time Albert Einstein, Godzilla and the Incredible Hulk will share the honor, but these iconic characters are now part of the constellations of extremely high energy light sources grouped by NASA.

The US Space Agency has mapped gamma-ray sources from around the universe, such as pulsars, explosive stars, and black holes, in constellations designed to resemble characters from iconic comics, science heroes, landmarks – and even Schrodinger's cat.

Celebrating the 10 years of service of the Fermi Gamma Ray space telescope, NASA has developed a set of unusual constellations to promote the work of its industrious orbiter. Designed in the same spirit as star constellations, areas of powerful light energy, or gamma rays, have the shape of the incredible Marvel Hulk, the Eiffel Tower in France and the monster of the reptilian film Godzilla.

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Another of the constellations is named Schrodinger's Cat – named after famous thought experiment of the eponymous Austrian physicist. At the same time, Albert Einstein, Vasa (Swedish king's lost treasure ship), Dr. Who's Tardis and Mount Fuji also bear their names. This is electromagnetic and radioactive stellar lights.

The Fermi Telescope has been in service since July 2008, when it began to scan the sky for unusual light structures. Until now, the orbiter has spotted sources of gamma rays, ranging from explosive supernova to creating black holes – phenomena that normally escape the sight to the naked eye.

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"Developing these unofficial constellations was one way fun to highlight a decade of Fermi achievements, "said Julie McEnery, Fermi project scientist. "In one way or another, all gamma ray constellations have a connection with Fermi science."

Images of the gamma ray collections have been transformed into an interactive page, where people can explore many of Fermi's discoveries. The work coincides with a new catalog of gamma ray sources, which is being produced with the help of atomic energy experts.

"Fermi continues to work well and we are currently preparing a new" complete sky "catalog, said Jean Ballet, member of the Fermi team of the French Atomic Energy Commission "This will add about 2,000 sources, the brightness of which varies greatly, further enriching these constellations and animating the sky with high energy."

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