NASA satellite returns views of Earth a million miles away


A NASA camera aboard DSCOVR (Deep Space Climate Observatory) satellite captured a breathtaking new view of the entire Earth at a distance of about one million kilometers.

The Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC), a four-megapixel CCD camera and telescope sensor, takes images in many wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to near infrared. By combining these different wavelength images, researchers can obtain reliable measurements of features such as ozone and aerosol levels in the atmosphere, cloud height, volcanic ash, smoke from forest fires and vegetation cover.

EPIC keeps a constant view of the sun-lit Earth side. it turns. The camera captures between 13 and 22 images of the entire Earth since June 2015, revealing the changes that have occurred on our planet during a day.

"Given the privileged position of the EPIC and its frequent observations, we are able to observe the diurnal part of the daily cycle of many phenomena," said Alexander Marshak, head of the DSCOVR mission at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. "For example, the EPIC can follow a volcanic eruption or a plume of flames all day long.These measurements complement those taken by other low-orbiting satellites around the Earth, which observe a given place less often, sometimes well. once or twice a day. "

Launched in February 2015, the DSCOVR satellite orbits around the Earth at the first point of Lagrange or L1, about a million miles from Earth to the sun. Other similar satellites gravitate around the Earth within a radius of 22,300 miles. Since its position four times farther than the orbit of the moon, the satellite provides real-time data on solar activity that will help researchers improve their weather forecasting forecasts in the near future. ;space. Information about our planet will enable decision-makers to make better decisions on issues that are crucial to the world.

"NASA uses the space point of view to improve our understanding of our planet, improve our lives and preserve our future. NASA is developing new ways to observe and study Earth's interconnected natural systems with long-term data records, "NASA said in a statement. "The agency freely shares this unique knowledge and collaborates with institutions around the world to better understand the evolution of our planet."

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