NASA television announces the departure of a Japanese cargo ship from the space station


WASHINGTON Nov. 1, 2018 / PRNewswire / – After delivering more than five tons of food, water, spare parts and experiments to the International Space Station, a Japanese cargo ship must leave the laboratory in orbit 11:50 7 November EST – Wednesday Live coverage of the spacecraft release will begin at at 11:30 am on NASA television and on the Web site. agency.

The ground controllers will use Canadarm2 robotic arm of the space station to detach the 7 unmanned H-II transfer vehicle (HTV-7) from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) from a land-based system. face the Harmony module port of the station, then place the spacecraft in the release position. The commander of the ESA (European Space Agency) Alexander Gerst 57 and Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA will use Canadarm2's robotic arm from the station to release the HTV.

A new small reentry capsule will be deployed from HTV-7 after release. Designed by the JAXA and badembled by the station's crew, the cone-shaped capsule is 2 feet tall and 2.7 feet wide. The project consists of a technology demonstration designed to test the ability of JAXA to return small payloads from the station for rapid delivery to researchers. HTV-7 will be at a safe distance from the space station after the last of many maneuvers of deorbitation before the capsule is ejected from a hatch. The experimental capsule will perform a parachute-badisted water landing off the coast of Japan where a JAXA ship will await recovery.

Named "Kounotori" or "White Stork" in Japanese, the unmanned spacecraft delivered six new lithium-ion batteries and adapter plates to replace the aging nickel-hydrogen batteries used in two different channels. Located on the port structure of the space station. The flight controllers have already removed the batteries and adapter plates from HTV-7 in a robotic manner and stored them on the space station structure. The batteries will be replaced by a series of robotic operations and exits in the space that will be scheduled at a later date.

The additional experiments and equipment delivered by HTV include a new sample holder for the electrostatic levitation oven (JAXA-ELF), a low temperature crystalline crystal growth protein (JAXA LT PCG), a study on effect of microgravity on bone marrow (MARROW), a glove box for life sciences and other EXPRESS racks.

The HTV-7 will reintroduce the Earth's atmosphere and burn safely over the South Pacific Ocean Nov. 10 .

The spacecraft took off from the Tanegashima Space Center in the South of the country in Japan on a Japanese H-IIB rocket on from September. 22 ( from September 23 to in Japan ), and arrived at the space station five days later. At the time of publication, the cargo spaceship was on the space station for 41 days.

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