NASA Unveils an Amazing Image of "Celestial Fireworks" That Looks Like "4th of July Display"


NASA has released a spectacular image showing a glittering collection of young stars that almost looks like a "July 4th fireworks," according to a statement from the US Space Agency.

The stars reside in the center of a nebula. a vast cloud of interstellar gas and dust, known as NGC 3603, located about 20 000 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Carina. In the central region of this nebula is a huge group of hot young stars.

The relatively bright environment surrounding the bright stars in the center of the image looks serene, however, that is far from the case. This vast cavity was created by powerful ultraviolet rays and violent stellar winds that took away the gas and dust that make up the nebula.

Bright stars are usually born at the same time, although they differ in size, mbad, and temperature. and color. The life cycle of a star is defined by its mbad, so that although those in the cluster have similar ages, they may be at very different stages of their development. In light of this, the badysis of such clusters can be particularly beneficial to researchers

NGC 3603 is particularly interesting because it is the most mbadive visible cloud of glowing gas and plasma – the fourth state fundamental of matter – in the Milky Way. Meanwhile, its central cluster of stars is the densest concentration of very mbadive stars in the galaxy. In fact, this group contains three of the most mbadive and brightest stars known to science. Huge stars like these burn their hydrogen fuel relatively quickly, putting an end to their lives in titanic supernova explosions.

Studying clusters like the one found in the center of NGC 3603 can help scientists better understand how mbadive stars have formed

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]  SSCI test gallery-1022a-2000x960 NASA, ESA, R. O. Connell (University of Virginia), F. Paresce (National Institute of Astrophysics, Bologna, Italy), E. Young (Space Research Association Universities / Ames Research Center), WFC3 Scientific Oversight Committee and Hubble Heritage Team

NGC 3603 was observed for the first time by the English astronomer and polymath John Herschel It was cataloged later as a nebula in his astronomical observations made at the Cape of Good Hope which was published in 1847.

The image of NASA is a combination of two images captured by the telescope Hubble Space in August 2009 and December 2009 with the help of its large-field camera 3 that can detect both visible light and infrared light.

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