NASA wants to create a real "first directive" to protect the planets of humans


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Humans will probably visit soon other planets, be it Mars, the many moons of Saturn or even Jupiter's satellites, the human reach of human presence, whether by machines and robots or by manned missions, humans are preparing to leave the Earth.

Space exploration was a business that only governments could muster. painfully close to leaving Earth, carrying humans to other parts of the cosmos. While a Star Trek level exploration team is unlikely at least in the near future, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) believe that there must be some rules of basis that human exploration of other planets must follow, such as "First Directive".

According to a NASEM report, NASA is called upon to develop a "strategic plan for global protection" because these regulations are now inadequate. "NASA should also identify a strategy for dealing with major political issues, such as the return of samples and human missions to Mars and the exploration missions of the private sector solar system," notes the paper.

  nasa, saturn, jupiter, moon, ocean, discovery, space,

This illustration shows Cbadini plunging into the Enceladus plume in 2015. New ocean discoveries from Cbadini and Hubble will help illuminate future exploration and the wider search for life beyond the Earth. Caltech

The concern of humans to infect or contaminate extraterrestrial ecosystems has been a definite concern for astronomers and scientists long before the Russians reach space on their planet. Spoutniks. If humans contaminate other planets and moons, the search for life outside the Earth would become meaningless.

A similar concern is for samples that are brought into the Earth. We do not know what are the risks that the Earth faces because of that. That's why we need to establish rules to both come to life on other planets and bring any form of life possible to Earth, the report says.

For about 50 years now, NASA has been playing an important leadership role on behalf of The United States created global protection policies, that's one of the reasons why NASEM recommends an update, said Joseph Alexander, chairman of the committee that drafted the report, and a private consultant in science and technology policy

. Properly framed and executed global protection policies will play a vital role in ensuring that space exploration efforts provide unequivocal answers to life opportunities elsewhere in the solar system, "he added. At the present time, there is no policy in place that covers Mars, notes the report. Humans should land on the Red Planet in less than a decade if the SpaceX BFR is built in time. NASA plans to land humans on Mars by at least 2030.

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NASA's Mars rover The Curiosity hole drilled in a rock target, "Cumberland", 2013 is shown in this NASA photo Reuters

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