NASA wins Emmy nomination for Cassini Spacecraft Grand Final


The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has appointed NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for an Emmy in the Original Program Original Program category for the way it communicated and published the spectacular "Grand Finale" from Cbadini to Saturn. On September 15, 2017, after almost 20 years in space and 13 years in the Saturn system, the Cbadini orbiter began to tumble toward the planet in an epic final dive.

Cbadini's final dive took the ship between the planet and its rings. Live images showed Cbadini 's dive into the atmosphere of the planet, and the spacecraft continued to send data to Earth until its last moments. [Cbadini’s ‘Grand Finale’ at Saturn: NASA’s Plan in Pictures]

Outside of live coverage, JPL staff communicated the magnitude of this trip in an expansive campaign. They brought the public on Cbadini's journey using live messages and videos on social media platforms; the mission website; TV shows; 360-degree videos (including NASA's first livestream 360 degrees of a mission event in JPL mission control); educational and press material; artistic illustrations and renderings of the dive; a short film that presented the drama and the story of the mission; This extensive coverage and unparalleled images of Cbadini's journey led to this startling nomination: NASA's mission cover is not usually on the front line for awards like this, but Cbadini brought Saturn to the Earth in an unprecedented way. The mission highlighted the beauty of Saturn and revealed details on the origin and composition of the planet, its rings and its 60 moons

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