NASA's Asteroid Warning: the map shows a "dramatic increase" of rocks near the Earth


NASA produced an animation showing the scale of space rocks that it discovered between 1999 and today

Astronomers found about 18,000 objects including comets clbadified as objects close to Earth that are within 30 million miles of the orbit of our planet. around the sun.

The space agency found and tracked 95% of the rocks more than 0.6 miles wide.

And he has an ambitious agenda for discovering 90% of near-Earth objects, which are at least 450 feet wide, in the next few years.

Important Facts About Asteroids

Asteroids are small rocky objects that revolve around the Sun. The first asteroid was Ceres, discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801. There are currently more than 600,000 known asteroids in our solar system. Most asteroids are orbiting the asteroid belt, a series of rings located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


  There are millions of asteroids in the solar system. and Jupiter, however those who cross the Earth call objects close to the Earth
Getty Images

There are millions of asteroids in the solar system, usually found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, however those who pbad into Earth call themselves objects near the Earth

  asteroids of NASA


SPACE AGENCY: NASA has discovered thousands of near-Earth asteroids over the last 20 years

Despite their smaller size, the agency admitted that these galactic objects could still destroy if they fell in the cities

Paul Chodas "These smaller asteroids do not pose a global disaster threat if they affect the Earth, but they could cause considerable regional damage and loss of life, especially if they occur near a metropolitan area.The NASA Center for Studies on NEOs performs calculations for the near future. orbit accurate from data from observatories around the world that detect and track the movement of asteroids and comets. [196] 59002] This allows the space agency to closely monitor any dangerous asteroid, including those traversing the Earth's orbit.

"We calculate high-precision orbits for all asteroids and comets and map their positions in the solar system," We provide the best orbital map for all known small bodies in the solar system. "

New 20-year animation shows how NASA's understanding of the solar system has improved dramatically as it celebrates its 60th anniversary on Sunday.

Blue in animation, which represents asteroids near Earth, changes considerably from thickness 1999 to today

Orange represents the asteroids of the main belt, of which they are estimated at 780 000, between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.

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