NASA's Hubble completes first scientific operation after a three-week hiatus


NASA's Hubble Space Telescope returned to normal activity and completed its first scientific observations after a three-week hiatus due to a failed gyroscope. with the instrument Wide Field Camera 3.

The return to science comes after the successful recovery of a backup gyroscope, or gyroscope, that had replaced a failed gyroscope three weeks ago, said NASA in a statement released Sunday.

A The gyroscope is a device that measures the rotational speed of the probe, which is necessary to help Hubble to turn and lock to new targets. the next day.

However, the backup incorrectly returned rotation rates well above the actual rates.

Hubble is now back in its normal scientific mode of operation with three totally fun modes. According to NASA, Hubble has been at the forefront of scientific discovery for more than 28 years.

"The team hopes the telescope will continue to make amazing discoveries in the years to come. the next decade, allowing him to work alongside the James Webb Space Telescope, "added the space agency.

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