NASA's Hubble Telescope Expected to Return to Science Soon


On October 8, the Hubble telescope goes into safe mode while Earth-based engineers try to solve the problem


NASA's famous Hubble Space Telescope is almost back to normal after the failure of an orientation tool

The problem comes from an embedded equipment, called gyroscope, which allows to point and direct the telescope.

The gyroscope was one of the following: Three of them were on duty and acted for a few months.

Two other similar devices have already failed, according to NASA, out of a total of six of the telescope that bypbades the Earth since 1990.

put into safe mode on October 8 while Earth-based engineers were attempting to solve the problem.

An attempt to reactivate the gyroscope by reversing it seems to have eliminated any blockage, NASA announced Monday night.

the US Space Agency "plans to run a series of tests to evaluate the performance of the gyroscope under conditions similar to those encountered during routine scientific observations, including displacement towards targets, locking on a target and performing a precision score, "says a statement from NASA.

"After these technical tests being completed, Hubble should soon resume its normal scientific activities."

The Hubble Space Telescope helped scientists to discover new planets, to draw a 3D map of dark matter in the world. 39, universe and bring a new light. on the mysteries of black holes.

Joint project of NASA and the European Space Agency, it was originally expected to last 15 years, but active for more than 28 years.

His successor, the James Webb Space Telescope, is scheduled for 2021.

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