NASA's spacecraft is getting closer to the sun


The Parker Solar Probe was launched on August 12 this year for an unprecedented seven-year journey to unravel the mysteries of the Sun's fiery atmosphere and its effects on space weather.

  NASA's spacecraft is getting closer to the sun

Parker's solar probe was launched on August 12th. Pic / NASA

NASA's solar probe, humanity's first mission to "touch" the sun, set a new record for approaching the sun by a human

The Solar Probe Parker was launched on August 12 for an unprecedented seven-year journey to unlock the mysteries of the Sun's fiery outdoor atmosphere and its effects on space weather. The probe exceeded the current record of 26.55 million miles from the Sun's surface on Oct. 29, according to Parker Solar Probe team calculations.

As the Parker Solar Probe mission progresses, the machine will repeatedly beat its own records, with a definitive closure. An approach of 3.83 million miles from the Sun's surface expected by 2024, he said.

"It's been only 78 days since Parker Solar Probe was launched, and we are now closer to our star, more than any other spacecraft in history," said the president. Project Manager Andy Driesman. "It's a moment of pride for the team, even if we stay focused on our first solar encounter, which will begin on October 31," said Driesman.

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