Photo credit: YouTube / NASA Goddard
The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), NASA's newest planetary hunter , began his search for planets around nearby stars.
Official start of scientific operations on July 25, TESS is expected to transmit its first data series to Earth in August, and thereafter periodically every 13.5 days, once per orbit, while the spacecraft s & ## 39, approaching the Earth most, said NASA in a statement. Paul Hertz, Director of Astrophysics Division of NASA
"Now that we know that there are more planets than stars in our universe, I look forward to the strange worlds and Fantastic that we are going to discover.Hertz added:
TESS is NASA's latest satellite to search for planets outside our solar system, called exoplanets. [19659004ThemissionwillspendthenexttwoyearsmonitoringthebrighteststarsforperiodicdivesintheirlightTheseeventscalledtransitssuggestthataplanetmaypbadinfrontofitsstarTESSshouldfindthousandsofplanetsusingthismethodsomeofwhichcouldpotentiallysupportlife
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